CS : California Flashcards
Where does rain fall in California?
in a limited coastal zone less than 250km wide
What do the Sierra Nevada mountains do in California?
create a rain shadow over South / Far-East California
How much rain falls in the area under Sierra Nevada’s rain shadow?
under 100mm annually
Major rivers fed from snowmelt from Sierra Nevada include…
Sacramento and San Joaquin
Where do the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers meet?
at San Francisco Bay
Prevailing moist air from the pacific is forced to do what by the Sierra Nevada mountains? What does this create?
forced upwards
cools and condenses to form snowfall at higher altitudes
During El Nino what happens in California?
increased surface run off and flooding
During La Nina what happens in California?
During droughts what happens to groundwater storage levels?
average annual rainfall in Cali
Between what months does 50% of Cali’s rain fall? What does this create?
November to March
Seasonal shortages
What % of California’s precipitation is lost as evapotranspiration?
Between 1900 and 2015 what has California’s population increased by?
population expected to grow from today’s numbers to what by 2025?
another 10million more than today
Where is the mass of demand in California? What fraction of total Californian demand?
3/4 of demand south from Sacramento
What fraction of rain falls NORTH of Sacramento? Why is this a problem?
75% falls to the north
3/4 of California’s total demand is south
How much water do golf courses in Cali consume annually?
In California what % of water does agriculture receive?
What does the federal government do in terms of supplying water to farmers in Cali?
supplies it at lower prices
as little as 5% of city prices
What X2 agricultural practices have led to inefficiencies in water management?
- flood irrigation
- inappropriate crop choices (i.e cotton)
What % of water is extracted before reaching Mexico? What did this force?
90% extracted before Mexico
Cucupa fishermen forced to move
What fraction of California’s freshwater is from groundwater sources (aquifers)?
How many people rely on the Colorado river for drinking water?
What % of Southern California’s water is from the Colorado river?
What % of water is taken form the Colorado River more than was predicted in 1963?
The Colorado River basin drains what % of the USA?
Water from the Colorado River basin is shared between how many US States and what other country?
X7 US states and Mexico
What % of the Colorado River Basin is owned by agreement to Native Americans?