Crowe Time Flashcards
Time Management
Knowledge area with 6 processes that focus on creating an activity list, ordering that list chronologically, estimating resources, estimating time, creating the schedule, and controlling that schedule.
Processes: • Define Activities (Planning) • Sequence Activities (Planning) • Estimate Activity Resources (Planning) • Estimate Activity Durations (Planning) • Develop Schedule (Planning) • Control Schedule (Monitoring & Controlling)
Define Activities
Planning process within time management concerned with creating the activity list.
Key Inputs
• Scope Baseline
Key Tools
• Decomposition
• Rolling Wave Planning
Key Outputs
• Activity List
Sequence Activities
Planning process within time management where schedule activities are put into order according to when they should occur.
Key Inputs
• Activity List
Key Tools
• Precedence Diagramming Method
• Dependency Determination
• Applying Leads and Lags
Key Outputs
• Project Schedule Network Diagrams
Estimate Activity Resources
Planning process within time management where the resources needed to perform each schedule activity are estimated.
Key Inputs
• Activity List
Key Tools
• Expert Judgement
Key Outputs
• Activity Resource Requirements
• Resource Breakdown Structure
Estimate Activity Durations
Planning process within time management where the length of time to perform each schedule activity is estimated.
Key Inputs
• Activity List
• Activity Resource Requirements
• Resource Calendars
Key Tools
• Analogous Estimating
• Three-Point Estimates
• Reserve Analysis
Key Outputs
• Activity Duration Estimates
Develop Schedule
Planning process within time managment where the project’s schedule is created.
Key Inputs
• Activity List
• Project Schedule Network Diagrams
• Resource Calendars
Key Tools • Critical Path Method • Critical Chain Method • Resource Leveling • What-if Scenario Analysis • Applying Leads and Lags • Schedule Compression
Key Outputs
• Project Schedule
• Project Baseline
Control Schedule
Monitoring and controlling process within time management that manages change requests and unanticipated changes to the project schedule.
Key Inputs
• Project Schedule
Key Tools
• Performance Reviews
Key Outputs
• Work Performance Measurements
• Change Requests
Activity Decomposition
A tool used in the Define Activities process. It is similar to scope decomposition an is used to break down work packages into schedule activities.
Activity On Arrow Diagram
A type of network diagram where the activities are on the arrows that connect circular or oval nodes.
Activity On Node Diagram
A type of network diagram where the schedule activities are represented on the rectangular nodes and the connecting lines represent dependencies.
Analogous Estimating
Also called top-down estimating, it is a form of expert judgment used when there is little information available. Activities, or even entire projects, are estimated by comparing to similar projects.
Backward Pass
A method for calculating the late start and late finish for activities on a project network diagram.
A backward pass starts at the end of the network diagram and works backward through each activity to the start.
Critical Path
The path(s) through the network that show which activities, if delayed, will affect the project finish date.
The critical path is the highest risk path through the network.
All activities on the critical path have no float.
The relationships that eist between schedule activities. Dependencies may be either:
• Mandatory
• Discretionary
• External
Activities that have dependencies may have any of the following logical relationships: • Finish-to-Start • Start-to-Finish • Finish-to-Finish • Start-to-Start
Dummy Activity
A way of creating a dependency relationship between two activities on an activity on arrow diagram.
Dummy activities are not real activities, and they have no actual duration. They are represented using a dashed line.
Schedule Compression
A technique used in the Develop Schedule and Control Schedule proccesses to make the overall schedule shorter. The two techniques most commonly associated with duration compression are crashing and fast tracking.
Also called “slack,” it is the amount of time an activity may slip before it causes the finish date of the project to change.
Forward Pass
A technique for calculating the early start and early finish dates for the activities in a project network diagram.
A forward pass begins at the start of the network and progresses linearly to the finish.
A waiting period between activities.
If the start of activity B were dependent upon the finish of activity A, and activity B also had a lag of 5 days, then activity B could not begin until 5 days after activity A had finished.
A lag is non-working time, so it is not considered to be part of the activity itself. Lags are essentially the opposites of leads.
A jump-start on one activity that has a dependency upon another activity.
if the start of activity B were dependent upon the finish of activity A, and activity B also had a lead of 3 days, then activity B could begin 3 days before activity A finished.
leads are essentially the opposites of lags.
A significant point or event in the life of the project. Milestones are usually tied to deliverables.
Precedence Diagramming Method
A method of creating project network diagrams that yields activity on node diagrams.
Abbreviated as PDM.
Reserve Time
Padding added to the schedule to ensure that the schedule is still achievable and manageable if one or more activities take longer than their estimates.
Reserve time may be added to individual schedule activities or as a lump sum buffer.
Schedule Baseline
A version of the project schedule that has been place under control.
The schedule baseline is created in the develop Schedule process ans eventually becomes a component of the project management plan.
Variance Analysis
A tool used to understand the difference between what was planned and what was executed. It is used in the following processes: • Control Scope • Control Schedule • Control Costs • Report Performance