Crohns Disease Flashcards
Definition of Crohns disease
Chronic inflammatory and ulcerating condition of the GI tract that can affect anywhere from mouth to anus, most commonly the terminal ileum and colon
What are the key features of Crohn’s disease according to the CROWS NESTS mnemonic?
(N) No blood or mucus in stools
(E) Entire GI tract involvement is possible
(S) Skip lesions on endoscopy
(T) Terminal ileum and transmural inflammation
(S) Smoking as a risk factor
What is the primary genetic predisposition associated with Crohn’s disease?
NOD2 gene
What are the three main pathophysiological mechanisms behind Crohn’s disease?
(1) Persistent activation of T cells and macrophages by bacterial LPS
(2) Inflammation doesn’t self-limit
(3) Excessive pro-inflammatory cytokine production and neutrophilic inflammation
How do people attract this disease?
- NOD2 gene
- Developed country
- Faulty immune response
- Environmental factors - aggravated by smoking and NSAIDs
- Dysbiosis
What are the typical symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease?
Chronic diarrhoea (potentially bloody)
Abdominal pain
Weight loss
Periods of acute exacerbation and remission
Growth delays
Delayed puberty
bone demineralisation
What type of inflammation characterizes Crohn’s disease in the ileum and/or colon?
Chronic active mucosal inflammation, often accompanied by cryptitis and crypt abscesses
What areas of the gastrointestinal tract can be affected by Crohn’s disease?
Any area, including the terminal ileum and colon.
What distinguishes skip lesions in Crohn’s disease from ulcerative colitis?
Skip lesions are unaffected areas of bowel in Crohn’s disease, whereas in ulcerative colitis, the bowel is continually affected.
Name one extra-intestinal manifestation of Crohn’s disease related to skin issues
Pyoderma gangrenosum
Erythema nodusum
Which diagnostic test is specific for detecting inflammation in the bowel and can distinguish between IBS and IBD?
The fecal calprotectin test
What are some typical findings during colonoscopy for Crohn’s disease?
Thickened bowel walls
Transmural inflammation
Increased goblet cells
Fissuring ulcers
Non-caseating granulomas
What is the first-line treatment for Crohn’s disease during mild attacks?
Steroids, such as prednisolone.
What is the recommended action regarding colonoscopy in Crohn’s disease patients ten years post-diagnosis?
Recommended ten years post-diagnosis to check for an increased risk of colorectal cancer
What are the possible complications associated with Crohn’s disease?
Increased risk of colorectal cancer Malabsorption
Association with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)
Risk of toxic megacolon
What lifestyle change is recommended for Crohn’s disease patients?
Smoking cessation
Name one immunosuppressant used in the management of Crohn’s disease
What is the last-line therapy before surgery in Crohn’s disease patients?
Anti-TNF therapy.