Criminology Chapter 7 Flashcards
Define Phrenology
Check pg.145 for definition
Define atavism
Check pg.145 for definition
Define eugenics
Check pg.145 for definition
What are two reasons as to why biological explanations for criminal behaviors are highly controversial?
Check first paragraph on pg.145
What did Franz Gall believe in?
Check second paragraph on pg.145
What did Cesare Lombroso studied and believed in?
Check second paragraph on pg.145
What did the lack of understanding of genetics cause? (it caused 3 things)
Check third paragraph on pg.145
Are people born as criminal?
What is phenylketonuria?
Check second paragraph of Nature and Nurture on pg.146
Define environment
Check definition on pg.146
What are two type of twins and how are they born?
Check “Genetic Predispositions for criminal behavior” and “twin studies” on pg.146-147
Define concordance rate
Check definition on pg.147
What happens if the concordance rate for a trait in MZ twins is 85 percent? what about in DZ twins?
Check pg.148 first paragraph
A much greater concordance rate for criminal behavior is seen in __ twins than in ___ twins
A much greater concordance rate for criminal behavior is seen in MZ twins than in DZ twins
What did Raine studied and what were his results?
Check 2nd paragraph on pg.148
Define meta-analysis
Check pg.148
Define etiology
CHeck pg.148
What has the reanalysis of twin studies from around the world showed?
Check third paragraph in pg.148
What did a US study of Vietnam Era Twin Registry show?
Check third paragraph in pg.148
Why are twin studies valuable? (two reasons)
Check fourth paragraph in pg.148
Define zygosity
Whether twins were MZ or DZ
How is the twin coincidences explained for Gerald Levey and Mark Newman? (4 things)
Check box 7.1 on pg.147
What is the biggest concern with twin studies and how is it eliminated? Why is it effective?
Check adoption studies on pg.149
Define heritability
Check definition on pg.149
What happened in the big Danish study and what were the results?
Check “is Violence Heritable?” on pg.149 and 150
Define labelling
Check definition on pg.150
What happened in Denmark adoption studies and what was its results?
Check box 7.2 on pg.150
More recent adoption studies have shown that adopted children are significantly more likely to be arrested multiple times and incarcerated if …..
Check “alcoholism” on pg.150
What has a large ongoing Swedish study find? (include two form of alcoholism)
Check first paragraph of pg.151
What has research shown? (lots of things)
Check second paragraph of pg.151
What has many genetic studies shown?
Check third paragraph of pg.151
Define ADHD
Check definition on pg.151
___ - ______ behavior in youth is sometimes a prelude to criminal behavior later in life
Anti-social behavior in youth is sometimes a prelude to criminal behavior later in life
What are 3 examples of personality disorders and what did twin adoption studies shown?
Check “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other personality disorders” on pg.151 and 152
How does ADHD affect children and what are some genetic factors for ADHD
Check second paragraph on pg.152
ADHD has been linked to a variant of the ______ transporter gene
ADHD has been linked to a variant of the dopamine transporter gene
Define dopamine
Check definition on pg.152
What has preliminary research and genetic studies shown?
Check second paragraph on pg.152
What has genetic studies shown for petty and non-violent crimes and what has recent twin and adoption studies shown?
Check third paragraph on pg.152
What happened in the study of rhesus monkeys?
Check third paragraph on pg.152
What are some factors that criminal behavior may be controlled by?
Check “The brain” on pg.152 and 153
What did the twin study by Eley, Lichtenstein and stevenson suggested?
Check first paragraph of pg.153
Draw figure 7.1
Check figure 7.1 on pg.153
What are the body’s two major types of communication systems and what do they do?
Check “Brain Chemistry” on pg.153
Define neurotransmitter. How do neurotransmitter work and their levels? How they’re measured?
Check definition on pg.153 and Check first paragraph on pg.154
Define serotonin and what does it do?
Check definition on pg.154 and second paragraph on pg.154
How is serotonin produced?
Check third paragraph of pg.154
What have studies shown about some people who have fewer binding sites for serotonin?
Check third paragraph of pg.154
What is the 5-TTT about?
Check fourth paragraph of pg.154
What is dopamine and how does it relate to crime shown by research?
Check “dopamine” of pg.154 and 155
What are two enzymes that break down several neurotransmitters and what do they do?
Check second paragraph of pg.155
When Brunner, Nelen, Breakefield, Ropers and van Oost studied a large Dutch family, what did they find?
Check second paragraph of pg.155
What happened in a series of studies by Caspi in New Zealand and what were the results?
Check third paragraph of pg.155
What did several studies found about genes and MAOA genotype?
Check fourth paragraph of pg.155
Define genotype
The genetic constitution of an individual
How has MAOA effected criminal trials?
Check first paragraph of pg.156
What are changes in brain chemistry come from? (two factors) and what are some examples of childhood environmental conditions?
Check second paragraph of pg.156
What is FASD and what is its causes and symptoms?
Check third paragraph of pg.156
What can imbalances in brain chemistry cause?
Check fourth paragraph of pg.156 and 157
What are some examples of how a child’s brain could be damaged? and what is the effect of damage to the frontal lobe? What is the frontal lobe responsible for?
Check second paragraph of pg.157
What happened to Phineas Gage?
Check third paragraph of pg.157
What happened in the studies of adult and juvenile death-row inmates?
Check first paragraph of pg.158
What happened in the study on rats?
check first paragraph of pg.158
Why is it important to understand the damages to head injury?
Check second paragraph of pg.158
What are four brain imaging techniques to help us understand brain function? What do they do?
Check definition on pg.158 and check third paragraph on pg.158.
What happened to Jovan Belcher?
Check on Pg.158 (image at top left hand corner)
How do hormone work? What is an example of a hormone and what it does?
Check fourth paragraph on pg.158 and 159
What are four things that can affect how the body responds to hormones?
Check second paragraph on pg.159
What happened in the study of testosterone?
Check second and third paragraph on pg.159
What has studies shown between the correlation with the level of testosterone and crime rates?
Check fourth paragraph on pg.159 and 160
What are some of the things levels of testosterone correlate with?
Check second paragraph on pg.160
What are some other hormones that can affect behavior other than testosterone?
Check third paragraph on pg.160
What can trigger menstruation and what about stress in premenstrual women was shown?
Check third paragraph on pg.160
What is cortisol and what does it do?
Check fourth paragraph on pg.160
What did study of salivary levels of testosterone and cortisol show?
Check fourth paragraph on pg.160
What is an example of hormonal imbalance?
Check infanticide on the fifth paragraph of pg.160 and 161
Biology does not cause a person to be a criminal but it can impact behaviors that can ______ a person to commit a criminal act.
Biology does not cause a person to be a criminal but it can impact behaviors that can predispose a person to commit a criminal act.
What did the research in studying youth in Holland shown?
Check “conclusion” on pg.161