Criminal Courts & Lay People (Criminal) Flashcards
What are the two criminal courts?
Magistrates and Crown
What are the three categories of offences?
Summary, Triable either way, Indictable
What is the max punishment for summary offences + court?
£5000 fine or 6 months imprisonment + magistrates court
What is max punishment for triable either way offences + court?
12 months imprisonment + magistrates or crown
What is the max punishment for indictable offences + court?
Unlimited fine an max life sentence + crown court
Why might a defendant or prosecution want to appeal?
- Incorrect decision
- harsh sentence
- if law might not have been correctly used
What are the aims of sentencing?
Retribution, Protection of the public, Deterrence, Rehabilitation, Reparations
What are the two factors behind sentencing?
Aggravating and mitigating factors
What are aggravating factors + examples?
Things that might make the defendants sentence harsher - carrying a weapon, being in a gang, attacking a vulnerable person, no remorse, previous convictions, racially motivated
What are mitigating factors + examples?
Things which may reduce the defendants sentence - genuine remorse, paying back items, if they plead guilty, helped police, first offence, good character
What are other factors that influence sentencing?
Pre-sentence reports, sentencing guidelines, medical reports, financial situation of defendant
What are the types of sentences for adult offenders?
Custodial, Community, Fines, Discharge
Types of community sentences?
Unpaid work, drug treatment, curfew
Types of discharge?
Conditional and absolute
What does lay personnel mean?
Someone who is not legally qualified
What is the role of a magistrate?
Decide if defendant gets bail, hear 9% of all criminal cases, decide the verdict if not guilty is pleaded, issue warrants and decide sentencing
What is the role of a jury?
Hear the facts of the case and deliberate them, only try about 15 of cases
What are disadvantages of a jury?
They can be easily influenced by media, may have bias which could lead to an unfair outcome
What are advantages of a jury?
They aren’t legally binded by precedent so they can be seen as a lot fairer and there are 12 of them so multiple possible perspectives, they are also cheap