Credentialing Flashcards
Cottrell, et al., 2009
Association of Schools of Public Health
Five core areas: Biostats, Epi, Environmental Health, Health Policy, + Social/Behavioral Science
Controversy: Unsure of impact on CHES, how employers view it.
Cottrell, et al., 2009
SOPHE/AAHE Baccalaureate Program Approval Committee
Voluntary cred. process for undergrad prof. prep. programs in comm. HeD
Standard for entry-level HeD undergrads
Goal = Improve curr. + educational effectiveness.
Controversy: Not viewed as same as accrediation
Cottrell, et al., 2009
Certified Health Education Specialist
- Individual certification
- National Commission for HeD Credentialing
- HeD degree from regionally-accredited university.
- Exam
- Recertification/Renewal
- Accredited by National Commission for Certifying Agencies
Cottrell, et al., 2009
Teacher Certification/License
Teaching accreditation from state.
Controversy/Barrier: Some teachers don’t value CHES.
Allegrante, et al., 2004
Toward a Unified System of Accreditation for Professional Preparation in HeD: Final Report of National Task Force in Accreditation of HeD
Barriers: Fear, lack of $/support, personal value
Benefits: “Singe Profession”, value for both process and field (respect $, jobs), quality assurance, strengthen field
Pollock & Carlyon, 1996
Seven Responsibilities and How They Grew: Story of Curriculum Framework
Cleary: Field in disarray = RDP
Framework created to bring unity, standardization, + quality assurance to field
Field homeless with no unique identity
Role Delineation Project: Goal to identify core of knowledge + essential skills = Areas of Responsibility = CHES = NCHEC
Framework = structure, adaptive
Hayden, 2005
Multiple Choices for Certification
Multiple options for career development depending on specialization and goals
Cottrell, et al, 2009
Current Development in Accreditation + Certification for HP in HeD: A perspective on systems of quality assurance in US
Accreditation = Imp. to standardize professional preparation
Much work to be done.
Focus on employers recognizing value in creditionalizing
- Large gap in accreditation of HeD programs (esp. undergrad)
- Philosophical differences b/t PH + HeD
- Lack of institutional capacity
- Concerns accreditation not the benefits
- Teachers do not see value in CHES
Gold, et al., 1989
Credentialing and the future of Health Education
Concerns re: Credentialing
- Says voluntary but is it?
- Confusion over who certification is for - entry level or experienced? BA vs MA? Lack of consistency.
- Shift loyalty from prof. orgs. to credentialing body
- Lack of influence from prof. orgs.
- Lock profession into prescribed academic curriculum. Not meet local needs
- No guarentee of quality.
O’Rourke, 1990
Rebuke to Gold, et al., 1989 article
Process isn’t new, HeDrs have been involved + there will always be questions
Goal of cred: Delineate HeD from others and provide “known level of competency”
Improvement over current situation
Dennis, et al., 2012
The value of CHES (and now MCHES)? - A commentary
CHES is the best!
- Accredited by NCCA
- Based on responsibilities + competencies
- Improving profession
CPH not the same process and not likely to replace CHES.
Livingood, 1989
Health Education Certification: Professional Foundation for 21st Century
Many HeDrs support credentialing
Pros: Gain prof. identity, ^ jobs, demonstrate prof. competencies, support field of HeD
Con: Culturally Bias
Should serve society + HeDrs
Clear call for higher certification early
Dennis, et al., 2007
Overview of the 2006 NCHEC advanced-level certification feasibility study results: The impetus of a possible legacy
CUP survey indicated that approximately half of respondents supported advanced level certification.
Benefit to field.
Appropriate for NCHEC to lead.
Patterson + Vitello, 2006
Key influences shaping HeD: Progress to Accreditation
Certification: unofficial licensing system
Accreditation = voluntary, quality assurance, accountability
Rice + Sciacca, 2000
The CHES Examination: The science underlying 1st development, evaluation, + revision
1979-81: Role delineation. Identified 7 major areas/comps.
Scientific procedures in dev., eval, + revision
Describes how test is created.
Cottrell, et al., 2009
Accredits schools, colleges, + departments of education in U.S. colleges.
Goal: high quality
Peer reviewers
TEAC - same for K-12
Cottrell, et al., 2009
U.S. Department of Education recognized.
Accredits public health programs. Only master’s + undergrad programs w/ attached masters. Approved for all undergrad but not enough capacity.
ASPPH, 2015
What is CEPH Accreditation?
Benefits: Comprehensiveness = Variety Rigor = Regularly reviewed Flexibility = Online/Dual Degree Opportunity = Federal level opps. Recognition = Peer-reviewed
*CEPH = nationally recognized accrediting body for PH schools + programs
CEPH, 2011
Who is CEPH?
Created 1974 by APHA + ASPH.
Recognized by U.S. Department of Education.
Goal: To enhance health in human populations through organized community effort.
NCHEC, 2008
HeD Profession
StepsTaken to Develop Profession
- Define body of literature
- Develop code of ethics
- Skill-based competencies
- Quality assurance
- Credentialing system
Hill, 09
History of Credentialing
1983: RDP created task force that developed 7 AoR then became NCHEC.
1986: Process, exame, criteria developed
1990: First CHES exam
2001: SABPAC developed to approve academic programs
2005: MCHES developed based on CUP (Dennis, 07)
NCHEC, 2015
HESPA Areas of Responsibility
- Assess needs, resources, and capacity of HeDP
- Plan HeDP
- Implement HeDP
- Conduct eval + research related to HeDP
- Administer + manage HeDP
- Serve as HeDP resource person
- Communicate, promote, + advocate for HeDP + profession