creation stories in genesis Flashcards
Genesis Chapter 1
God speaks and the world is created. Day 1 – light and dark Day 2 – Sea and sky Day 3 – Land and plants Day 4 – Sun and moon Day 5 – fish and birds Day 6 – animals and humans Day 7 – rest. God saw all that he had made and said it was good. God said that humans were very good.
Genesis Chapter 2
Adam and Eve created first – shows they are really
No day by day account.
Genesis 2 focusses on humanity
Interpreting the creation stories
Literally God made the world exactly as he said. This is the belief in CREATIONISM: The world was made 6 literal periods of 24 hours. This means the world would be 6000 years old
This story is not literally true
Helps people understand that GOD is the creator of all things
When the Bible says “day” – it could just mean a period of time such as 1000 years!
The importance of the creation stories for Christians
God is powerful
God is kind – he gave Adam and Eve everything they
needed to live
God is creative – he created everything different and
The Trinity in the creation stories
Christians believe that all three parts of the Trinity were there at the creation of the world – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God”
The WORD is another title for Jesus.
“The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters”
Genesis Chapter 3 - The Fall
The serpent tricked Eve and made her believe God was a liar
He told Eve that she wouldn’t die if she ate the fruit of the tree
Eve ate from the tree and gave some to Adam
God called out to them and looks for them
Adam and Eve ran away and hid
God made clothes for them to cover their nakedness and shame.
The worst consequence was that Adam and Eve were
banished from God’s presence. This means that they would eventually die.
- crawl on your belly. Humans will try and
kill you.
Childbirth will be painful and your
husband will rule over you
- work will now be hard
The rest of the Bible story -Humans and their creator
Genesis 3 (The Fall) is the turning point for the whole Bible.
Everything else in the Bible after this is whether God and humans can be reconciled.
Christians believe all humans are like Adam and Eve
All have ignored God and used their free will to rebel against him
The consequence for this is eternal separation from God – called hell.
Humans and the rest of creation
“‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
What do Christians believe about the quote?
Christians believe this is where God commands humans to be stewards. To look after all he has given them.
Being a steward means having a responsibility to look after everything we have been given by God.
Christians believe that they have a duty to the world around them – humans and nature.