Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Is there a cranial nerve 0?
- Controversial and generally microscopic
- Often confused with on of the olfactory nerves
Cranial Nerve 1
- Multiple nerves; Raw nerve ending = chemoreceptors
- Sense of smell
- DOES NOT pass through the Thalamus
Cranial Nerve 2
- Optic Nerve
- Not a peripheral nerve but rather an internal neural pathway
Cranial Nerve 2
- Optic Nerve
- Not a peripheral nerve but rather an internal neural pathway
Cranial Nerve 2
- Optic Nerve
- Not a peripheral nerve but rather an internal neural pathway
Cranial Nerve 3 - Basics
- Voluntary Motor to extra ocular Muscles
- Oculomotor nucleus locate in central medulla
- Supplies:
– Ipsilateral (inferior oblique, inferior rectus, medial rectus)
– Contralateral (superior rectus)
– Bilateral (levator palpebrae Superioris)
CN 3 - Parasympathetic
- Visceral Oculomotor Nucleus
- Rostral midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus (posterior to the oculomotor nucleus)
- Supplies: constrictor pupillae, lens accommodators
Cranial Nerve 4
- Trochlear
- Located in Midbrain; level of the inferior colliculus
- Nerve pathway decussated between the two inferior colliculi
- Only CN that exits brain stem dorsally
- Innervates Contralateral Superior Oblique Muscle
Cranial Nerve 5 - Basics
- Trigeminal
- Primarily Sensory but some muscle innervation
- Sensory Nuclei used by all CNs (facial, glosso, vagus)
Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus
- Pain and Temperature Sensation
- Likely Pressure and Crude Touch
- Located in the Medulla and Upper Cervical Spinal Cord (C1-C3)
Main Sensory Nucleus
- Fine Touch/Proprioception
- Located in the Lateral Pons
- Roughly the same level as the Abducens and Facial Nuclei
Mescencephalic Nucleus
- Some Proprioception, Fine Touch, Vibratory Sensation, etc. (Mostly Jaw)
- Located in the Mesencephalon and the Rostral Pons
Trigeminal - Motor
- Muscles of Mastication (temporalis, masseter, pterygoids)
- Motor Nucleus in the Pons, medial to the Main Sensory Nucleus
- Motor Pathway ONLY follows through the mandibular division
Trigeminal Nuclei placements in Midbrain
Roughly form a continual column of cell bodies Rostral to Caudal
Midbrain to Pons
* Mesencephalic Nucleus
* Motor Nucleus & Main Sensory Nucleus
Pons through Medulla to Upper Cervical Spinal Cord
* Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus
Cranial Nerve 6
- Abducens
- Nucleus located to its posterior surface
- Nerve passes lateral to the medial lemniscus (sensory tract cuneate/gracilis) and pyramid (corticospinal tract)
- Longest intercranial cranial nerves; therefore sensitive to brain swelling
- Supplies Lateral Rectus Muscle
Cranial Nerve 7
- Facial
- Voluntary facial motor nucleus locate in the Caudal Pons
- Same level as abducens nerve
- UMNs will Bilaterally supply the Upper Nucleus
- UMNs Contrallaterally supply the Lower Nucleus
- Facial Nerve always supplies the ipsilateral face
Cranial Nerve 7 - Nervus Intermedius
- Taste Sensation and Parasympathetic Motor
- Parasympathetic - Superior Salivatory Nucleus
- Taste Sensation - Solitary Nucleus
Hard to assess tastes for a specific CN
Solitary Nucleus
- Located in Medulla
- Taste
- Synapse: Facial, Glossopharyngeal and Vagus
Cranial Nerve 8
- Two nerves in one (separate nuclei and seperate targets)
- Vestibular - balance
- Cochlear - Hearing
Cranial Nerve 9
- Voluntary Motor to Stylopharyngeus Muscle - Nucleus Ambiguous in medulla
- Parasympathetic Motor to Parotid Gland - Inferior Salivatory Nucleus
Cranial Nerve 10
- Parasympathetic to upp 2/3rds of body
– Dorsal motor Nucleus; Located in medulla on floor of 4th ventricle - Sensory derivatives of the foregut and midgut (Spinal trigeminal nucleus, main sensory nucleus, mesencephalic nucleus)
- Motor to muscle of Pharynx; Nucleus Ambiguous in Medulla
The trapezius and SCM are innervated by what?
Spinal Accesory N (Motor) and C2-C4 (Sensory)
Cranial Nerve 11
- Spinal Accessory N
- Spinal Accessory Nucleus in Upper Cervical Spinal Cord
- Motor to Trap and SCM
- No Proprioception
Cranial Accesory N
* Motor to Larynx
* Starts in Nucleus Ambiguous
* Cranial Accesory Nerve fibers “join” w/ Vagus N.
Cranial Nerve 12
- Hypoglossal Nucleus
- Located in medulla; level of 4th ventricle
- Motor to muscles of the tongue
- Genioglossus has contralateral UMN
- Assess by sticking out the tongue