Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Acronym for Cranial Nerves
Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel Very Good Vagina Accesses Heave
Acronym for Cranial Nerve Function Types
Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter Most
What are the 12 Cranial Nerves?
Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal Abducens , Facial, Vestibulocochlear, Glossopharyngeal , Vagus, Accessory, Hypoglossal
What are the Cranial Nerve Function Types?
Sensory Sensory Motor Motor Both Motor Both Sensory Both Both Motor Motor
Cranial Nerve 1
F: Smell (Sensory)
O: Roof of Nasal Cavity
Hole: Olfactory Foramen of Cribiform Plate of Ethmoid Bone
Cranial Nerve II
F: Vision (Sensory)
Origin: Retina
Hole: Optic Canal (skull hole) to Optic Chiasm
Cranial Nerve III
Oculomotor (Motor)
F: Eyeball movement, eyelid opening, control of pupil diameter, curvature of lens (help with focus) (4 of 6 muscles)
Origin: Midbrain
Hole: Superior Orbital Fissure
Cranial Nerve IV
Trochlear (Motor)
F: Lateral Movement of Eyeball (Superior Oblique Muscle of Eye)
Origin: Midbrain
Hole: Superior Orbital Fissure
Smallest Cranial Nerve
Cranial Nerve V
Trigeminal (Both)
F: Chewing (Mastication), Opening & Closing Jaw, Facial Sensation (Both)
Origin: Midbrain, Pons, Medulla Oblongata, & Spinal Cord
Hole: Ophalmic branch (smallest) = Superior Orbital Fissure, Maxillary Branch = Foramen Rotunda, & Mandibular Branch (largest) = Foramen O
Largest Cranial Nerve
Cranial Nerve VI
Abducens (Motor)
F: Move Eyeball (Motor) only Lateral Abduction of Eyeball
Origin: Pons
Hole: Superior Orbital Fissure
Cranial Nerve VII
Facial (Both)
F: Facial Expressions, secretion of saliva & tears, taste (anterior tongue)
Origin: Primarily in Pons (motor axons) & Taste Buds (sensory axons)
Hole: Internal Acoustic Meatus & Stylomastoid Foramen
Bells Palsy
Considered major motor nerve of head
Cranial Nerve VIII
Vestibulocochlear (Sensory)
F: Hearing & Equilibrium
Origin: Pons & Medulla Oblongata
Hole: Internal Acoustic Meatus
Vestibular branch (Equilibrium) & Cochlear Branch (Hearing)
Cranial Nerve IX
Glossophayngeal (Both)
F: Saliva Secretion, Swallowing & Speech, Taste (posterior tongue), Monitors BP, O2, & CO2 levels in blood, Touch/Pain/Thermal sensations in ear & upper pharynx, & Proprioception
Origin: Medulla Obolongata
Hole: Jugular Foramen
Cranial Nerve X
Vagus (Both)
F: Swallowing, coughing, parasympathetic control of GI tract, heart, & respiratory. Visceral sensations, Proprioception, thermal sensations in ear
Origin: Medulla Oblongata
Hole: Jugular Foramen
Vagus= Vagrant or wander because so widely distributed
Main Parasympathetic cranial nerve
Cranial Nerve XI
Accessory (Motor)
F: Movement of head & shoulders (Motor)
Origin: Cranial Part= Medulla Oblongata & Spinal Part= Cervical Spinal Cord
Hole: Cranial Part= Jugular Foramen & Spinal Part= Foramen Magnum