Chapter 1: Anatomy & Homeostasis Flashcards
6 levels of structure organization (smallest to largest)
1) Chemical Level- Atoms
2)Molecule- DNA
3) Cellular
4) Tissue
5) System
6) Organism
11 Body Systems
1) Integumentary
2) Skeletal- Ligaments
3) Muscular- Tendons
4) Nervous
5) Cardiovascular
6) Respiratory
7) Digestive
8) Urinary
9) Reproductive
10) Endocrine
11) Lymphatic
Anatomical Position
Body erect
Face Forward
Palms Forward
Feet Together
8 Directional Term Pairs
1) Superior & Inferior (only applies to head & trunk)
2) Anterior & Posterior
3) Medial & Lateral (vertical midline, EX: Pinky is medial to thumb)
4) Proximal & Distal (only applies to arms & legs, refers to relative place it connects to, EX: elbow prox to wrist, fingers distal to wrist)
5) Prone & Supine (face up, palm up, can carry a bowl of soup)
6) Deep & Superficial (only used on round & hollow structures, EX: Ribs or skull inside brain)
7) Visceral & Parietal (used for things on organs, EX: membranes are visceral & cavity is parietal)
8) Ipsilateral & Contralateral (same side as body such as left limbs or opposite sides of body such as left leg & right arm)
3 Planes
1) Frontal/Coronal (most common, heart images)
2) Median/Midsagital (brain images)
3) Transverse (least used)
9 Abdominopelvic Regions
What organ is in all but one region?
Right Hypochondriac (Liver & Gallbladder)
Right Lumbar
Right Iliac (Appendix)
Epigastric (Liver & Stomach)
Umbilical (Small Intestine)
Hypogastric (Bladder & Uterus)
Left Hypochondriac (Stomach)
Left Lumbar
Left Iliac
Large Intestine everywhere except Umbilical
Reginal Names of Arm (Shoulder to Fingers)
Acromial- Shoulder
Scapular- Shoulder Blade
Axillary- Armpit
Brachial- Arm
Antecubital- Front of Elbow
Olecranal- Back of Elbow
Antebrachial- Forearm
Carpal- Wrist
Manual- Hand
Palmar- Palm
Digital or Phalange- Fingers
Reginal Names of Body (center column)
Thoracic- Chest
Dorsal- Back
Sternal- Breastbone
Umbilical- Navel
Coxal- Hip
Loin- Lumbar
Sacral- Between Hips
Inguinal- Groin
Reginal Names of Leg
Femoral- Thigh
Patellar- Front of Knee
Popliteal- Back of Knee
Front of Shin- Crural
Calf/Back of Shin- Sural
Dorsum-Top of Foot
Plantar- Sole of Foot
Tarsal- Ankle
Digital or Phalangeal- Toes
3 Parts of Thoracic Cavity
1) Mediastinum- top, solid part of cavity (trachea, esophagus, etc. branches out into hollow spaces)
2) Pericardial Cavity- heart
3) Pleural Cavities- left & right lung
Serous Membranes of Abdominopelvic Cavity
1) Pleura- Visceral Pleura on lung surface & Parietal Pleura lines chest wall & covers superior surface of diaphram.
2) Pericardium- Visceral Pericardium on heart surface & Parietal Pleura lines chest wall.
3) Peritoneum- serous membrane of abdominal cavity. Parietal peritoneum lines abdominal wall and inferior surface of diaphragm. NOT ALL ORGANS SURROUNDED BY PERITONEUM (some posterior to it such as kidneys & pancreas)
Maintenance of relatively stable conditions in the body’s internal environment produced by the interplay of all the body’s regulatory processes.
- Extracellular fluid is the dilute watery solution that surrounds cells.
- The survival of our body cells is dependent on the precise regulation of the chemical composition of their surrounding fluid.
Homeostasis Loop
1) Stimulus (change)
2) Controlled Condition (EX: Temp)
3) Receptors (recognize change & send nerve impulses or chemical signals to control center)
3) Control Center (often part of nervous system, sends order to effectors)
4) Effectors- bring about change
5) Response- alters control condition