Cranial Cavity Flashcards
What type of vein connects the intracranial venous sinuses with veins outside the cranium?
Emissary veins (“messenger” veins)
The inner spongy layer of the skull contains…
diploic veins and red bone marrow
What is the clinical significance of emissary veins?
Spread of infection through the venous system can cause meningitis due to the connection between extra-cranial veins and intra-cranial sinuses.
Name the 3 meninges of the brain.
Dura Mater
The dura is subdivided into what 2 layers?
- Outer periosteal (endocranium) that’s intimately related to the inner surface of the cranial bones. It forms the periosteum.
- Inner meningeal layer
What are the two major specializations of the Dura Mater?
venous sinuses and dural partitions
Name the 4 Dural Partitions
1- Falx Cerebri
2- Tentorium Cerebelli
3- Falx Cerebelli
4- Diaphragme Sellae
Name the attachments of the Falx Cerebri
Crista Galle, internal occipital protuberance.
What is housed within the Falx Cerebri?
The superior sagittal sinus and the inferior sagittal sinus.
What does the falx cerebra separate?
The two cerebral hemispheres
The inferior free margin of the Falx Cerebri rests on top of what?
The corpus callosum
Paired horizontal partitions covering the top of the cerebellar hemispheres are called….
Tentorium cerebelli
Name the attachments of the tentorium cerebelli
Anterior: posterior clinoid process
Lateral: Temporal bone
Posteriorly: Occipital bone and transverse sinus
What sinuses do the tentorium cerebelli give rise to?
The transverse sinuses
The point where the falx cerebri and temtorium cerebelli meet is called…..
What do they join to form?
The confluence of sinuses.
They meet to form the Straight Sinus.
The falx cerebelli attaches where and runs between what?
The falx cerebelli runs between the two cerebellar hemispheres and attaches to the inner surface of the occipital bone and extends into the posterior cerebellar notch.
What sinus is directly superior to the falx cerebelli?
The straight sinus
The single circular partition of the dura that form the roof of the pituitary gland is called what?
The diaphragma sellae (“cover of the saddle”)
To what does the diaphragma sellae attach?
The hypophyseal fossa
Where is the cavernous sinus located?
Within the Middle Cranial Fossa, lateral to the pituitary gland.