Cram Packet Flashcards
Frances Galton
human traits (personality and ability) depend entirely on genetic inheritance
William Wundt
(nazi that wanted structure)
father of modern scientific psychology. Structuralism was the approach and introspection was the methodology.
the contemplation of conscious experience such as thoughts, desires, and conduct
Wundt’s idea that experiences break down into subjective feelings and objective sensations
(watson observes bahvior and Albert is an english name) Founder of behaviorism. The idea that observed behavior provides the only valid data in psychology
Studied nature vs. nurture and said environment determines behavior
Applied classifcal conditioning skills to advertising. Most famous experienment was called “Little Albert”, where he trained Albert to be afraid of rats and then generalized the fear to white animals.
(adolf neo nazi)
Neo-Freudian; believed that childhood social, not sexual, tensions are crucial for personality formation. Believed that people are primarily searching for self-esteem and trying to achieve their ideal self
Discliple of Freud. Extended Freud’s theories. Believed in collective unconscious as well as a personal unconscious that is aware of ancient archetypes which we inherit from our anscestores. Jung coined the terms introversion and extroversion
(port to 3 traits)
Believed in 3 levels of traits
1. Cardinal trait - dominant trait that categorizes your life.
2. Central trait - common to all people
3. Secondary trait - surfaces in some situations and not in orders
Father of Rational Emotive Theorapy, which focuses on altering the client’s irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behavior and emotion (like “If I fail this exam, I am done”)
(Maslow seems like a mcandles type that has no needs)
Humanist psychologist .Claimed that we have a series of needs that must be meet. We can not reach self-actualization without meeting all of these needs from bottom to top. From bottom to top (first to last) - physiological needs (air, water, food), safety, belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization, lower needs dominate higher ones and thus lower needs take up the motivation
Humanistic psychologist. Believed in unconditional positive regard. Believed people naturally strive for self-actualization and high self-esteem unless society taints them. In therapy sessions Rogers reflected back clients thoughts so that they developed a self-awareness for their feelings. Client-centered therapy.
Father of operant conditioning. Believed psychology was not scientific enough. Wanted it to be believed everyone is born tableau rosa; not converned with unconscious or cause; only behavior
Father of classical conditoning. An unconditional stimulus naturally elecits a reflexive behavior called an unconditional response, but with repeated pairing with a neautral stimulus, the neutral stimulus will elicit the response
(as in chomping mouth as in speaking) Believed that there are an infinite number of sentences. Believed that humans have an inherit tendency to develop language. Basically believed the brain is hardwaired for language and grammar.
Four-state theory of cognitive development.
People evolve through 8 states over their life span; each state is marked by psychological crisis that involves confronting “who am I”
believes there are 3 levels of moral reasoning.
- Pre-conventional
- Conventional
- Post-conventional
Each level can be divided into 2 stages.
(like the breaking bad character that wanted to take Walt’s job)
Maintained that Kolberg’s work overlooked potential differences in the moral judgement between men and women, because Kholberg’s research was only conducted on boys
(eyes are genetic and he saw the terms introvert and extrovert) Maintained that personality is largely determined by genes; used the terms extroversion and introversion
(generic name means systematic naming) Believed in systematic desensitization. Believed that fear could be unlearned. Demonstrated systematic desensitization with Little Peter experiment. Used counter conditioning, in order to remove the fear of rabbits from Peter. Basically showed Peter rabbits in front of Peter’s favorite food.
(whor cant talk or think with it in your mouth) Believed that lnaguage determined the way we think
(probably a nazi trying to scale intelligence for eugenics) Developed theory of intelligence 1. academic problem-solving intelligence 2. practical intelligence 3. creative intelligence
(gardener going too deep)
Developed 8 indicators that define intelligence.
1. Linguistic
2. Musical
3. Logical-Mathematical
4. Spatial (ability to visualize)
5. Bodily Kinesthetic (motor skills)
6. Intrapersonal (aware of their emotional states)
7. Interpersonal (skill of assessing the emotions, motivations, desires, and intentions of those around them)
8. Naturalist (categorizing, understanding the natural world)
(bandura aka bandana social duece
Social learning theory; observational learning. Had adults punching a punching bag. Children who observed this behavior exhibited the same behavior
Law of Effect/ Thorndike
(thorndike doesnt change his name since he isnt made fun of)
The principle that behavior follows when favorable consequences become more likely. law of effect-the principle that behavior followed by favorable consequences becomes more likely and vice versa
(sounds like a douchey clarenet player)
Created I.Q. tests
(man he is a douche using IQ on children)
Revised I.Q. test and established norms for American children
(Welsh juice for adults grape, alchohol?)
Created intelligence test for adults
(spreadheaded V operation aka g)
Found that specific mental talents were highly correlated; concluded that all cognitive abilities showed common core which he labeled “g” for general ability
Projective Test
Test that tries to figure out your personality. Examinees are shown a standard set of ambiguous stimuli and asked to respond to the stimuli
Developed first projective test, the Inkblot test. The subjects revealed their interpreation of the inkblots and this revealed their personality.
(Lambardo lazy AF conclusion)
Conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment. Studied the power of
social roles to invluence peoples behavior; proved people’s behavior depends to a large extent on the roles they are asked to play.
(inoscent rose, motherly)
Conducted a hospital experiment to test the diagnosis that hospitals make on patients. Wanted to see the impact of behavior on being a patient. Proved that once you are diagnosed with a disorder, your care would bot be very good in a mental hospital setting. Pygmalion Effect-effect of teacher’s expectations on students
(Asch’s girl friend, conformity overload brah)
Study of conformity. Experiment has a subject unaware of his situation to test if he would conform if all the members of a group gave an obviously incorrect answer
(sounds like that old dude from Up who looks like the old dude from that SVU episode where the old criminal used Milgram’s experiment and then drowed on the shore lol)
Conducted an experiment on obedience, where he observed the effect that a superior giving commands would have on the test subject. Found that the test subject was more likely to shock if a superior was demanding the shock.
(sounds like a pirate with a monkey on their shoulder)
Studied theory of attachment on monkeys. Experimented on the effects of social isolation in young monkeys. Found that these isolated monkeys never fully recovered emotionally.
Theory that linked personality to physique on the grounds that both are govered by genetics. Endomorphic (large, endo means taking in like twinkies), mesomorphic (average (mesi, mesi whatever the fuck it is in italian for same)), ectomorphic (skinny (exoblade))
Psychoanalytical theory that focuses on the unconscious, id, ego, superego. Believe innate drive for sex and aggresion are hte primary motives for our behavior and personalities
(horney pent up agressively challenged freud in bed)
Challenged Freud; said that personality is continually molded by current fears and impulses rather than being determine solely by childhoos experiences; saw humans as craving love and social interaction to drive their needs
(giving up like Seleman at lexhack) learned that helplessness is giving up reaction that occurs from the experience that whatever you do cannot change your situation