CPS acute care Flashcards
GCS eyes
- no response
- to pain
- to verbal stimuli
- spontanous
GCS verbal
- no response
- nonspecific sounds
- inappropriate
- confused
- oriented
GCS motor
- no response
- decerebrate extension
- decorticate flexion
- withdraws to pain
- localizes pain
- follows commands
Indication skull x-rays in head injury (3)
- children < 2 yrs: with large, boggy hematoma
- obvious penetrating lesion or dpsressed skull fracture
- suspicion child abuse
Indication for CT scan in head injury
- Relative Indications (8)
- GCS <14 at any point or GCS <15 at 2hr after injury
- clinical deterioration e.g. worsening HA or vomiting
- signs of basal skull
- large boggy hematoma >2yrs
- high risk mechanism
- persistent irritability in child<2 yrs
- seizures at time of event or later
- known coag disorder
Indication for CT scan in head injury
- absolute indications
Absolute indications:
- focal neuro deficit
- suspected open or depressed skull fracture or a widened or diastatic skill fracture on X-ray
RFs for post-traumatic seizures (5)
- younger age
- severe head trauma
- cerebral edema
- subdural hematoma
- open or depressed skull #
Risk factors for ICU admission in asthma (4)
- previous life-threatening events
- admissions to ICU
- intubation
- deterioration while on systemic steroids
Oxygen goal sats in Asthma
- target 94% as per CPS
Acute management of anaphylaxis
- ABCs - oxygen if needed
- immediate admin of IM epi
- IV access with large-bore
- if hypotensive then 20mL/kg of NS
- if sever resp distress prep for definitive airway management
Epinephrine dose in anaphylaxis
- 0.01mg/kg to max of 0.5mg
= epineprhine 1:1000 IM to anterolateral thigh
Epinephrine dosing IV infusion
epi 0.1-1 ug/kg/min (max 10ug/min)
Diagnosis of asthma in preschoolers requires
- objective documentation of signs of airflow obstruction
- reversiility of airflow obstruction
- absence of alternative diagnosis
- diagnosis apply to children with 2+ exacerbations
When to refer a preschooler to a specialist for asthma (6)
- life-threatening exacerbation,
- 2+ exacerbation requiring steroids/hospitalizations
- or frequent sx (>8 days per month) despite moderate daily doses of ICS
Associated sx:
- diagnostic uncertainty,
- need for allergy testing
Other: parental anxiety or need for more education
guidelines for admission in bronchiolitis (6)
- resp distress e.g. RR>70/min
- supplemental O2 required to keep sats >90%
- dehydration or hx of poor fluid intake
- cyanosis or hx of apnea
- infant at high risk for severe disease
- family unable to cope
groups at high risk for severe disease bronchiolitis
- infants born <35 weeks
- <3 months at presentation
- hemodynamically significant cardiopulmonary disease
- immunodeficiency