CP Theme 3 Flashcards
Gene in which activating mutations are associated with sensitivity to new drugs in lung cancer patients?
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
Condition associated with a productive cough on most days during at least three months of 2 successive years?
Chronic Bronchitis
Type of low grade neuroendocrine tumour that may occur in the lung?
Drug often used to treat TB?
Infection of the external auditory canal?
Otitis Externa
Epithelium lining the conductive airways?
Psuedo-stratified ciliated columnar
Syndrome resulting in pulmonary haemorrhage and glomerulonephritis, which is associated with anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies?
Good pastures
Abnormal persistant dilatation of the airspaces?
Agent that may cause lung and pleural malignancies following occupational exposure?
Organism responsible for atypical pneumonia associated with air conditioning units?
Legionella Pneumophilia
Terms used to describe disseminated TB?
Term used to describe decreased oxygenation of haemoglobin?
Virus frequently responsible for the common cold?
Organism commonly associated with lower respiratory tract infections?
Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Bacteria commonly responsible for tonsillitis?
Streptococcus Pyogenes