CP 4 Flashcards
True or False: Treatment techniques are NOT disorder specific
False; they are disorder specific
What are Treatment Principles?
Empirical Rules from which treatment procedures are derived; Things that have been experimentally researched and have been proved to be reliable and valid
Ex: Positive Reinforcement
What are Treatment Procedures?
Technical operations that the clinician performs to effect changes in the client’s behavior; Some of the things that a clinician does to provide positive reinforcement
Ex: give client a sticker each time he gets a sound right to enforce positive reinforcement
True or False: Treatment Principles are broad, abstract, and there are fewer than treatment procedures
What is a Treatment Paradigm?
an overall philosophy of treatment
What is Contingency?
Describes the relationship between 2 events; these events influence one another
What is Genetic/Neurophysiologic Contingency?
Things that cannot be manipulated; therefore have to accept and deal with effects; Cannot manipulate or change someone’s genetic makeup
What is Environmental Contingency?
Things that can be manipulated; more concerning what we do in therapy and its effect on what the client does and inversely.
What are the three interrelated variables of environmental contingencies?
- Antecedent Events
- Response
- Consequences
What are the three reasons to collect data?
- To assess a client’s behavior
- To motivate our clients
- For accountability
What are the five units of measurement?
- Simple Enumeration
- Number of Correct Examples
- Percentage of Correct Responses
- Learning Curves
- Latency of Responses
What are involved in Objective Rating Scales?
Involves numbers and self-rating scales
What are Descriptive Rating Scales?
Not based on real numbers, more labeled answers
What is Empirical Validity?
Procedures that have been experimentally demonstrated to be effective
What is Logical Validity?
When there is no experimental research to back it up