Correction CB - Compréhension réfugiés Baltimore Flashcards
les membres du parlement sont là pour enlever la rouille de la machine abandonnée qu’est le gouvernement
To rust
→ the rust-belt (used to be called the manufactury belt)
a Rust city
figurative : the MPs are here to scrape the rust off the derelict machinery of government.
Les blancs qui ont fuis les villes du N-E
White flight
attaquer, briser
To blight
Blighted by
spoil, harm, or destroy: the scandal blighted the careers of several leading politicians.
(an urban area) to neglect: plans to establish enterprise zones in blighted areas.
surmonter (un problème)
To overcome
→ to succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty): he overcame his pain for a time.
• defeat (an opponent)
to overpower or overwhelm: she was obviously overcome with excitement.
la surcharge administrative
the red tape
–> excessive bureaucracy or adherence to official rules and formalities: this law will just create more red tape
une porte d’entrée pour (qn)
a gateway to (the USA)
être autorisé à
to be entitled to
une épreuve difficile (à passer)
–> severe suffering or privation
A ordeal
→ a very unpleasant and prolonged experience: the ordeal of having to give evidence.
employer les grands moyens pour faire qqc
to go to great lengths to do sthg
faire un empreint
to take OUT a loan / mortgage
prendre qqc pour acquis
to take stag for granted
Transports en commun
Public transport system
Vivre qc (de dur)
To undergo
→ to experience or to be subjected to (something, typically something unpleasant or arduous): he underwent a life-saving brain operation.
Décrocher un travail
To land a job
To put money aside