core studies- bio Flashcards
background to Casey?
ppts at 4 years old- marshmallow test
tested ability to resist temptation by not eating the marshmallows
looked at hot cues and cold cues
based on Metcalfe and Mitchell- Suggested that the inferior frontal gyrus is associated with deciding whether to resist or not (so it would be MORE active in high delayers)
research methods of casey?
Longitudinal- over 40 years
Main experiment was in 2011
Quasi experiment
Casey: experiment 1aim?
If people who were low delayers at 4 years old would be the same at 40 years
Casey: experiment 1 sample?
59 ppts, 27 low delayers, 32 high delayers
how many ppts took part at 4 years old in Casey?
562 participants
how was delay of gratification measured in casaey experiemtn1?
self-control was measured by a Go/No-Go Task
procedure of casey experiment 1?
ppts push a button when they see a certain stimuli, and not push a button when a different one.
It had “hot” and “cool” stimuli:
“Hot” = rewarding stimulus happy face
“Cool” = neutral or fearful faces
what was the point of the hot and cold cues in the GO/NO GO task?
Casey wanted to see if the low delayers would make more errors in the task with “hot” stimuli because the brain couldn’t control the response to the hot cue
results of experiment 1 of casey?
those who delayed gratification as children showed greater ability to suppress impulse control as an adult
no-go trials - low delayers performed less well that high delayers on the hot tasks. Their mean false alarm rate for the hot task was 12.2% and 9.96% for the cool task.
Casey: experiment 2 sample?
27/59 ppts in study 1 1 male was excluded due to poor task performance
26: 15 high delayers and 11 low delayers
Casey: experiment 2 aim?
To investigate regions of the brain that they predicted would be implicated in self-control. (ventral striatum and inferior frontal gyrus
procedure of experiment 2 of casey?
Using an fMRI scanner to look at the physiognomy of the brain (how it works)
Repeated Measures as go/no go task again but in a scanner instead.
Instead of 1sec delay there was a 2-14.5 sec delay between presentation of faces
materials in casey?
Laptop sent to the participants home with the test on. A screen appeared before each test indicating which stimulus was the target. Face shown for 500ms followed by a 1 second interval.
casey experiement 2 results?
Low delayers had higher activity in the ventral striatum, suggesting this is a reward related region and harder to resist
low delayers had lower activity in the inferior frontal gyrus than high delayers showing that this is involved in withholding a response
background of sperry?
brain has 2 hemispheres joined by the corpus collosum. hemisphere deconnection involves cutting the corpus collosum
aim of sperry?
to investigate psychological effects of hemispheric deconnection
how the LH and RH work in split brain patients
research methods of Sperry?
quasi experiment
controlled observation
snapshot study
IV of sperry?
presence of absence of split brain
DV of sperry?
participants performance on various visual and tactile tasks
sample of sperry?
11 white memorial Centre patients who had split brain operation following epileptic seizures
materials in sperry?
tachitoscope, a device that displays visual stimuli, back projected onto a screen
procedure of sperry?
participants focused on cross on middle of screen, one eye covered. images flashed on one screen for 0.1 second. images flashed to LVF and RVF then asked to write or say what they saw.
what were the tactile tasks in sperry?
ppts asked to select object belowe the screen to match what they see on the screen
results of sperry?
images shown to LVF can’t be named but can be drawn or picked out of a bag of other objects with the left hand only. Images shown to RVF can be named + described.
Object placed in RH can be described in speech and writing. LH = wild guesses