area 1 child psychology intelligence Flashcards
what do IQ tests assess?
processing skills (cognition)
who first measured intelligence
alfred binet
what did alfred binet develop?
the binet-simon test which was the basis for the modern IQ test
what 3 factors did binet reduce intelligence down to?
understand complex ideas
adapt effectively to environment
learn from experience
what did spearman believe about intelligence?
the ‘g’ factor - general intelligence
used stats analysis to study relationship between cognitive factors and mental ability
what did spearman believe about other factors of intelligence apart from the g factor?
’s’ factor specific forms of intelligence
measure our specific skills and abilities in particular limited areas (logic, maths, vocabulary etc)
what did spearman say about the g and the s factor?
Our ability to behave intelligently on a cognitive task depends upon a combination of both ‘g’ and ‘s’. ‘G’ is intelligence that applies to all tasks and ‘s’ is the form of intelligence required in that particular task but not in others.
What did catell believe about intelligence?
it can be fluid or crystallized
fluid- decreases with age
crystallized- increases with age
what is fluid intelligence?
reason in abstract ways and solve problems without experience
what is crystallized intelligence?
acquire knowledge through learning and experiecne
what did carrol believe about intelligence?
the 3 stratum model
Overarched by the single ‘g’ factor introduced by Spearman
Stratum II gathered these into several broad ability factors
Stratum I included around 70 narrow abilities
what did gardener believe about intelligence?
We possess all these abilities to a greater or lesser degree and use them in different ways to solve problems, perform tasks and so on. an individual may have a high degree of interpersonal intelligence, moderate logical mathematical, but little musical intelligence etc
what did gardener believe the 8 intelligence’s were?
verbal linguistic- spoken, written
logical mathematical- patterns, think logically
bodily kinasthetic- coordinate your body to solve problems
musical- produce tone and rhythms
visual spacial- mental images to solve
interpersonal- Understand other people
intrapersonal- understand yourself
naturalistic- workings of nature/ world
what is sternbergs theory of intelligence?
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
what is the triarchic theory of intelligence?
viewed some of Gardner’s intelligences as ‘individual talents’ rather than intelligence
Successful intelligence which involves three different factors.
what is successful intelligence made up of?
Analytical Intelligence- Evaluate info and solve problems
Creative Intelligence-Ability to come up with new ideas
Practical Intelligence- Ability to adapt to changing environment
What did Mayer believe about intelligence?
Ability to recognise meanings of emotions and reason and problem solve on the basis of them. – 4 key elements of:
self awareness
self management
social awareness
relationship management
what did McGue find about intelligence when looking at twin studied?
reviewed over 100 studies comparing concordance rates
average concordance rate for MZ twins is 0.86 and for DZ twins is 0.60.
50% of the variation in IQ scores is due to genetic influence
what did McGue find about intelligence when looking at adoption studies?
the IQ concordance rates for MZ twins raised apart was 0.72, higher than for DZ twins raised together 0.60. Indicating a significant role for heritability in intelligence and smaller role for environmental factors.
how is brain size related to intelligence?
A greater correlation of 0.35 has been found between brain size and IQ (Rushton & Ankney, 2007)
moderate link between brain size and intelligence
what specific brain areas were related to intelligence?
Haier et al. (2007) did a review of 37 brain scan studies and found that intelligence may be correlated with intelligence with volumes in the pre frontal cortex, Broca’s area and Wernicke’s Area
what was found about white and grey matter relating to intelligence?
the more grey and white matter a person has, the greater their processing capacity and the more efficient their neuronal communication
Luder et al. (2009) showed that higher IQ scores are correlated with higher amounts of both grey and white matter in the brain.
What is the Flynn affect?
Flynn (1987) was the first to identify the link between nutrition and IQ.
scores of IQ in most countries have increased since the 1930’s
how was the example of china’s decreasing IQ linked wiith nutrition?
Ming Qian et al. (2005) found that a dietary deficiency of the nutrient iodine was linked with an average decrease in IQ of 22 points in China.