Core Stability and Posture Flashcards
How many Cervical Vertebrae are there?
How many Thoracic Vertebrae are there?
How many Lumbar Vertebrae are there?
How many Sacral Vertebrae are there?
How many Coccygeal Vertebrae are there?
What is Kyphosis?
An exaggerated outward curve of the thoracic spine (“hunch back”)
Who is most at risk of Kyphosis?
People sat at desks all day and men focusing too much on chest muscles
What is Lordosis?
An exaggerated inward curve of the lumbar spine
Who is most at risk of Lordosis?
Pregnant women, men with pot bellies and people with weak abdominals
What is Scoliosis?
A lateral deviation of the spine, usually genetic
What is the role of the Anterior Spinal Ligaments?
They help prevent and resist hyperextension/excessive extension of the vertebral column
What is the role of the Posterior Spinal Ligaments?
Help to prevent and resist hyperflexion/excessive flexion of the vertebral column and posterior protrusion of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc
What are the steps of “Abdominal Hollowing” technique?
Start by lying on your back with knees bent
Your lumbar spine should be neither arched up nor flattened against the floor, but aligned normally with a small gap between the floor and your back. This is the ‘neutral’ lumbar position you should learn to achieve
Breathe in deeply and relax all your stomach muscles
Breathe out and, as you do so, draw your lower abdomen inwards as if your belly button is going back towards the floor
Hold the contraction for 10 seconds and stay relaxed, allowing yourself to breathe in and out as you hold the tension in your lower stomach area
Repeat 5–10 times
What is the main reason or lack of postural control?
Lack of core stability
What other factors can contribute to lack of postural control?
Heredity – postural deviations that are inherited
Lifestyle – i.e. sitting at a desk for long periods of time without good posture, poor diet leading to increased abdominal adiposity
Ageing process – decreases in bone density
Muscle imbalance – lengthening or tightening of specific muscles causing an imbalance. E.g. decreased hip flexion due to increasedb bdominal adiposity
Self-esteem – hunched-over posture