Cor pulmonale Flashcards
what is cor pulmonale?
right heart failure due to chronic pulmonary hypertension
what are the symptoms of cor pulmonale?
state some signs of cor pulmonale?
- ↑ JVP ̄c prominent a wave (atrial contraction)
- Left parasternal heave
- Loud P2±S3
- Murmurs
PR: Graham Steell EDM
TR: PSM - Pulsatile hepatomegaly
- Fluid: Ascites + Peripheral oedema
what investigations should be done for cor pulmonale?
Bloods: FBC, U+E, LFTs, ESR, ANA, RF
ABG: hypoxia ± hypercapnoea
ECG: P pulmonale + RVH
Echo: RVH, TR, ↑ PA pressure
Right heart catheterisation
what does the CXR show for cor pulmonale ?
Enlarged R atrium and ventricle
Prominent pulmonary arteries
Peripheral oligaemia
what is p pulmonale ?
peaked P wave due to R atrial hypertrophy with pulmonary hypertension or tricuspid stenosis
what is p mitrale?
broad bifid p wave due to L atrial hypertrophy with mitral stenosis
what is the management of cor pulmonale ?
decreased pulmonary vascular resistance LTOT CCB: e.g. nifedipine Sildenafil (PDE-5 inhibitor) Prostacycline analogues Bosentan (endothelin receptor antagonist)
ACEI and B blocker
heart and lung transplant