COPD Flashcards
what are the two types of COPD?
chronic bronchitis
what is required for a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis?
cough and sputum production on
most days for 3mo of 2 successive years
what is required for a diagnosis of emphysema?
histological diagnosis of enlarged air
spaces distal to terminal bronchioles ̄c destruction of alveolar walls.
state three causes of COPD?
α1ATD (Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (allows elastin to be broken down by elastase therefore tissue destruction)
state three clinical signs of hyperinflation of the chest?
↓Cricosternal distance (normal = 3 fingers)
Loss of cardiac dullness
Displaced liver edge
which type of COPD has cyanosis ?
Pink Puffers in emPhysema
Blue Bloaters in chronic Bronchitis
- therefore chronic bronchitis
does emphysema have increased or decreased alveolar ventilation?
increased alveolar ventilation
does chronic bronchitis have increased or decreased alveolar ventilation?
decreased alveolar ventilation
which type of COPD has breathlessness ?
what type of resp failure does chronic bronchitis develop into ?
Progress → T2 respiratory failure and cor pulmonale
- due to decreased alveolar ventilation
what type of resp failure does emphysema develop into ?
Progress → T1 respiratory failure
what are complications of COPD?
Acute exacerbations ± infection Polycythaemia Pneumothorax (ruptured bullae) Cor Pulmonale Lung carcinoma
what score is used to determine the severity of breathlessness?
mMRC Dyspnoea Score
what are the 5 aspects of mMRC Dyspnoea Score?
- Dyspnoea only on vigorous exertion
- SOB on hurrying or walking up stairs
- Walks slowly or has to stop for breath
- Stops for breath after <100m / few min
- Too breathless to leave house or SOB on dressing
what two DD should be ruled out before a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is made?
TB, bronchiectasis