COPD Flashcards
a type of COPD that has abnormal permanent enlargement of the terminal airspaces with no obvious fibrosis
types of emphysema
centrilobar (proximal alveoli) - MC and seen w smoking
Panacinar - associated w alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
Paraseptal (distal alveoli) - seen w the above 2 or spontaneous pneumothorax
sx emphysema
dyspnea (hallmark)
chronic cough - often mild; not as much sputum as chronic bronchitis
weight loss due to increased energy from breathing through pursed lips —> pink puffer
nickname for emphysema
pink puffer
PE for emphysema
hyperinflation - decreased breath sounds, increased AP diameter, hyperresonance to percussion
obstruction - end-expiratory wheezing and/or prolonged expiration
cachectic and non-cyanotic = pink puffer
pursed lip expiration
chest XR for emphysema
hyperinflation - flattened diaphragm, increased AP diameter, decreased vascular markings; bullae and/or blebs
what imaging modality can be used to differentiate btwn different types of emphysema
computed tomography (CT)
what is the cornerstone of diagnostic evaluation in emphysema
pulmonary function testing - especially spirometry
airway obstruction - normal or decreased forced vital capacity (max amount you can exhale); post bronchodilator decreased FEV1/FVC < 70% predicted (incompletely reversible); decreased FEV1
hyperinflation - increased volumes (residual volume; total lung capacity; RV/TLC; functional residual capacity)
decreased diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) – this is normal in chronic bronchitis
GOLD classifications for emphysema
mild > 80%
moderate 50-79%
severe 30-49%
very severe < 30%
when should ABGs be obtained for emphysema
O2 saturation < 92%
altered mental status
acute exacerbation
tx emphysema
smoking cessation
influenza and pneumococcal vaccines
pulmonary rehab
indications for oxygen in emphysema
severe resting hypoxia (PaO2 55 mm Hg or less or oxygen saturation 88% or less) or cor pulmonale
chronic bronchitis
a type of COPD defined as chronic productive cough for at least 3 months a year for 2 consecutive years
sx chronic bronchitis
chronic cough (MC and earliest)
sputum production
dyspnea (esp on exertion)
PE for chronic bronchitis
crackles (rales)
coarse rhonchi
peripheral edema
obesity (blue bloater)
what is the cornerstone of diagnosing pts w COPD
pulmonary function testing - especially spirometry
DLCO in chronic bronchitis
usually normal
chest XR for chronic bronchitis
pulmonary HTN - enlarged right heart border, increased AP diameter and vascular markings
what will you see in labs for chronic bronchitis
CBC - increased hemoglobin and hematocrit (due to chronic hypoxia)
ABG - respiratory acidosis (due to severe hypoxemia and hypercapnia)
tx for acute exacerbations chronic bronchitis
amoxicillin 500 mg tid for 5 days
doxycycline 200 mg on the first day, then 100 mg once a day for a 5 day total course
clarithromycin 500 mg bid for 5 days
what antibiotic for COPD exacerbations has anti-inflammatory properties in the lungs
tx for COPD if 2 or more moderate exacerbations or 1 or more hospital admissions
when should you consider LABA + LAMA + ICS in COPD
if 2 or more moderate exacerbations or 1 or more hospital admissions and eosinophils >/= 300
tx for COPD with 0 or 1 exacerbations (not leading to hospital admission
a bronchodilator (long acting preferred)