COPD Flashcards
How does COPD differ from asthma
1. Neutrophillic
2. LTB4, IL8, and TNFa
3. Squamous metaplasia of epithelium
4. Parenchymal destruction
5. GC have variable effect
1. Eosinophilic
2. LTD4, IL4, IL5, others
3. Fragile epithelium
4. Thickening of basement membrane
5. GC inhibit inflammation
What are the symptoms of COPD?
- Chronic cough
- Sputum production
- Dyspnea
- A1at deficiency
What are the physical examination of COPD?
- Cyanosis
- Barrel chest
- Shallow breathing
- Pursed lips
- Use accessory respiratory muscles
What are diagnosis tests for COPD?
- Spirometry
- X ray
- Arterial blood bas
What are the risk factors for COPD?
Tobacco smoke
What is GOLD 1?
FEV1/FVC < 70%
FEV1 ≥80%
With or without symptoms
What is GOLD 2?
FEV1/FVC < 70%
FEV1: 50-79%
What is GOLD 3?
FEV1/FVC: <70
FEV1: 30-49
What is GOLD 4?
FEV1/FVC <70%
FEV1: <30%
What are the nonpharm therapy of COPD?
- End of life plans
- Palliative care (morphine and lorazepam)
- Smoking cessation
- Light excersise
What are immunizations ok for COPD?
- Annual flu vaccine
- Pneumococcal polysaccharide
- Shingrex
What is Group A?
What is group B?
LABDs with group A regimen
What is group e?
ICS-LABDs added to group B
What are the bronchodilators for COPD?
- Beta agonist
- Anticholingergics
- Methlxanthines
What route of med is preferred for COPD meds?
What is the max dose of ipratropium?
12 puffs/day
How does levalbuterol different from albuterol?
More expensive
What are the ultra-laba?
Indacaterol, olodaterol, vilanterol
Which LABA has a greater effect?
What are long acting bronchodilators for?
patients high risk for exacerbations
What are LAMA examples?
- Tiotropium
- Aclidinium
- Umeclindinium
What are ADRS of LAMA?
Tachycardia, blurred vision, narrow angle glaucoma, constipation, urinary retention, dry mouth
What is the difference between tiotropium and aclidinium?
Aclidinium: faster onset
What are the dosage forms of tiotropium?
What LAMAs are available only as DPIs?
Aclidium and umeclidinium
What are the LABA-LAMAs?
- Umeclidium-vilanterol (DPI)
- Umeclindinium-vilanterol-fluticasone (DPI)
- Tiotropium-olodaterol (SMI)
What is a major concern of theophylline?
- Closely monitored
- Arrhythmias and seizures
What are the limits of CS?
Short term: acute exacerbations
Long term: osteoporosis, atrophy, thinning of skin, cataract, adrenal suppression
When should you use CS?
Very sever COPD but increases risk for pneumonia
What are some ICS+bronchodilators?
Salmeterol + Fluticasone, Budesonide + Formoterol, Mometasone + Formoterol
What are PDEis?
What are the ADRs of PDEis?
Weight loss, neuropsychitric
When would you use PDEis?
Severe COPD at risk for acute exacerbations
What are the CIs of PDEis?
CYP3A4 and 1A2 inducers
When should you consider antibiotics fo COPD?
- Increased dyspnea
- Increased sputum volume
- Increased sputum purulence
If patient has 2 or more