CAD/ACS Flashcards
Who qualifies as Chronic coronary disease
- Post ACS events
- Stable angino or symtpoms
- CCD diagnosis
What are the types of ischemic heart disease?
- Stable
- Acute coronary syndrome
How many heart attacks are silent?
1 in 5
What are the types of IHD?
Stable and ACS
What are the types of SIHD?
- Chronic stable exertional angina
- Silent ischemia
- Microvascular angina
- Coronary vasospasm
What are the types of acute coronary syndrome?
- Unstable angina
- Non-ST-segment myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
- ST-segement elevation MI (STEMI)
What population with prevalent CAD?
Black and Men
What is the leading cause of ischemic heart disease? Caused by?
CAD caused by atherosclerotic plaque in epicardial vessels
What is known as the vulnerable plaque?
How do 2/3 of ACS events occur in the morning?
Catecholamine release due to circadian rhythm
Describe the thrombus formation process?
Rupture of thin fibrous plaque → Initial platelet adhesion → Rolling → Firm adhesion → Platelet aggregation → formation of fibrin network → Recruitment of leukocytes → Net formation of the necrotic core
What is the foundational etiology of CAD?
Decrease in myocardial oxygen supply
Increase in oxygen demand
What factors contribute to myocardial oxygen demand?
- HR
- Myocardial contractility
- Intramyocardial wall tension
What is intramyocardial wall tension?
Increased MVO2 and is directly related to the radius or size of the ventricular cavity and BP
How do you calculate rate pressure product?
Rate-pressure product = HR x Systolic BP
What factors contribute to myocardial oxygen supply?
- Coronary blood flow
- HR and systole
- Oxygen extraction and Oxygen carrying capacity
- Coronary collateral circulation Angiogenesis
What increases coronary Collateral Circulation
What increases Oxygen Extraction and Oxygen Carrying Capacity?
Hemoglobin concentration and O2 sat
What state does the heart perfuse in?
What are the factors that contribute to MI?
- Rupture of AC plaque
- Thrombus formation impairing blood flow
What are the MI types?
- Due to atherosclerosis
- Due to coronary vasospasm, coronary embolism, coronary artery dissection, a concomitant condition that acutely increases oxygen demand
- Cardiac death
- Mi associated with PCI related myocardial injury
- MI associated with CABG surgery
What factors contribute to MI-induced injury?
Decreased CO
Increased SNS and RAAS
How should you treat patients with or without IHD?
What are the CAD non-modifiable risk factors?
- Age
- Sex
- Family hx of ASCVD
What are modifiable CAD risk factors?
- DM
- Dyslipidemia
- Cigarette smoking
What are the sensations of cardiac chest pain?
- Squeezing
- Crushing
- Heaviness
- Tightness
- Numbness
- Burning
Where are the locations of cardiac chest pain?
- Substernal
- Radiate to the right or left shoulder, right or left arm, neck, back, or abdomen
What is PQRST?
- Precipitating factors
- Palliative measures
- Quality of pain
- Region
- Radiation
- Severity
- Temporal pattern
What are the typical angina symptoms?
- Substernal chest discomfort with a characteristic quality and duration
- Provoked by exertion or emotional stress
- Relieved by rest or NTG
What are the atypical angina symptoms?
- Two of three typical criteria
- Mid epigastric discomfort, effort intolerance, dyspnea, and excessive fatigue
How experiences atypical angina symptoms?
Women and elderly
What is Class I of angina?
Ordinary physical activity doesn’t cause angina
What is Class II of angina?
Slight limitation or ordinary activity
What is Class III of angina?
Marked limitations of ordinary physical activity
What is Class IV of angina?
Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort
How do you diagnose SIHD or ACS?
12 leadECG
1. ST segment elevation
2. ST segment depression
3. T wave inversion
4. Normal
How do you diagnose SIHD?
Stress test
1. Excersise
2. Pharmacologic
Coronary angiography
Myocardial perfusion imaging
Cardiac magnetic resonancy