COPD Flashcards
What is the definition of COPD?
Airflow obstruction, usually progressive, not fully reversible and does not change markedly over several months
What are the risk factors for COPD?
Smoking, genetic factors, increased age, male, environment and occupational pollutants
What is the presentation of COPD?
Breathlessness, wheeze, productive cough, frequent chest infections
What are the causes of COPD?
Smoking, inherited alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency, industrial exposure e.g. soot
What are the types of COPD?
Chronic bronchitis
What is chronic bronchitis?
Chronic bronchiole inflammation, increased mucus, inflammation leading to permanent damage + airway narrowing, chronic productive cough
What is emphysema?
Alveolar wall damage, larger alveoli, can’t support bronchioles leads to collapse
What are the investigations for COPD?
Spirometry - obstructive pattern <0.7
CXR - hyperinflation
What is the management for COPD?
Smoking cessation, pulmonary rehab, bronchodilators, antimuscarinics, steroids, possible long term oxygen therapy
What are the complications of COPD?
Resp infections, cor pulmonale, lung cancer, resp failure, polycythaemia
What is cor pulmonale?
Right sided HF secondary to COPD
Caused by chronic hypoxia and subsequent vasoconstriction in pulmonary vasculature that causes pulmonary hypertension and right sided HF
What is the treatment for COPD exacerbation?
NEBs - salbutamol and ipratropium
Steroids - prednisone STAT and OD for 7 days
Abx if raised CRP/WCC