Coordinate Compounds Flashcards
Coordinate compounds
Those compounds in which metal atoms or ions are bonded to ions or neutral molecules by coordinate bond
The product written in [] is called __ and outside is __
Complex part; counter ion
Product when Cuso4 + nh3
Product of NiCl² + 4nh3
Ligands are
Charged ions or neutral molecules that can give 2 e’s to form coordinate bond
How many ions will form when h20 + [Co(nh3)⁴Cl²]Cl?
2, i.e [Co(nh3)⁴Cl²] & Cl
Which will ionise in solution, Double salt or coordinate compds?
Double salt
Monodentate/unidentate ligands
Ligands which are able to form only 1 coordinate hond
Examples of monodentrate
charged ligands like hallides, OH, NO², NO³
Ambidentate ligands
Ligands that can form bonds in 2 ways by 2 atoms
Ambidentate ligands examples
A metal with NO², SCN
Bidentate ligands
Ligands which can form only 2 bonds
Ex of bidentate
NH²–CH²-CH²–NH² where N has 1 lone pair, oxalic acid,glycine
Coordination compounds of Mg, Fe & Co
Chlorophyll,haemoglobin & Vitamin B¹²
Applications of coordination compounds
Electroplating, textile dyeing & medicinal chemistry
Ex of double salts
Carnallite,KCl.MgCl2.6H2O,Mohr’s salt,potash alum
Central atoms are also called
Lewis acids
Number of ligating groups are called
Denticity of the ligand
Oxalic acid structure
Among amino acids, which one is optically inactive
Glycine ²HN-CH²-COOH since it is not chiral
Ex of hexadentate ligands
Ethylene diamine tetraacetate ion(EDTA⁴-), [Co(en)³]³+
Among [Co(Nh3)⁶]³+ and [Co(en)³]³+ which is more stable?
[Co(en)³]³+ since it forms a ring structure
Chelate ligand
Di- or polydentate ligand that uses its 2 or more atoms to bind
Which complex is more stable? Chelate or unidendate?
Coordination polyhedral
Shape of the complex decided by no of bonds formed
Coordination number
The no of coordination bonds the ligands are forming with metal
Homoleptic vs heterolyptic complex
All ligands are same; different
Cation complex
Complexes with only +vely charged part
OH- name
NO² name
Nitrito-N or nitrito-O
SO⁴ name
(CO³)²- name
Nh3 name
H20 & CO name
Aqua; carbonyl
NO name
(C2O8)²- name
Werner’s theory
A metal ion has a primary & secondary valence where primary is satisfied by ions & secondary by ligands
Postulates of werner’s theory
Metals show 2 linkages-primary & sec
Primary are satisfied by -ve ions and are ionisable
Secondary are non-ionisable & satisfied by neutral molecules
Ions bound by sec have spatial arrangements
Elements from 20 to 30
Valence bond theory
Metal atoms or ion under the influence of ligands can use its orbitals for hybridization to yield a set of equivalent orbitals of definite geometry
Why is [Co(nh3)⁶]³+ diamagnetic?
Absence of unpaired electrons
Spin magnetic moment
No of unpaired electrons
Myu = [(n+2)n]½ BM
Myu is 0 for
Diamagnetic substances
2 exceptions btw 20 and 30 Atomic nos
Cromium and Copper
If a substance has d²sp³ it is
An inner orbital complex
How to identify strong and weak ligands
Hybridisation & shape of 4 ligands
sp³ - tetrahedral
dsp² - square planar
Hybridisation & shape of 5 ligands
dsp³ & sp³d - trigonal bipyramidal
Hybridisation & shape of 6 ligands
sp³d² or d²sp³ - octahedral
Total magnetic moment
Orbital MM + spin MM
Drawbacks of VBT
Doesn’t tell why some subs are inner orbital and outer orbritsl complexes
Doesn’t differentiate b/n strong & weak ligands
In some, actual MM & calculated MM are not same
Couldn’t explain why [Cu(NH3)⁴]²+ is square planar & not tetrahedral
Couldn’t explain why some NI(||) complexes are paramagnetic
Crystal field theory
When a metal atoms or ion is surrounded by -vely charged ligands, electrostatic forces exist b/n them (ionic bond).
Ligands are point -ve charges.
Degeneration of metal orbitals are lost due to repulsion b/n orbitals.
D-orbitals will be split according to the geometry of the complex
Among d(xy), d(yz), d(xz), d(x²-y²) & d(z²), which has more energy?
d(x²-y²) & d(z²)
Energy difference caused due to splitting is
Crystal field splitting theory
Denoted by delta°