Control of blood volume Flashcards
What feedback system is key in control of body fluid volume?
Control of body fluid volume by the kidneys
– Renal-body fluid feedback system
• When arterial pressure increases, urine production increases
• When arterial pressure decreases, urine production decreases
What are the primary determinants in long term regulation of blood pressure?
–The renal output curve for salt and water
–The level of salt and water intake
Impossible to change long-term mean arterial blood pressure without changing one or both of these!
What is the impact of arterial pressure on urinary volume?
As arterial pressure increases, so does urinary volume in a not quite linear manner
Discuss the release of antidiuretic hormone
Released by the pituitary gland in response to
– ↑ osmotic pressure (increased extra cellular osmolarity/osmolality)
• Hypothalmic osmoreceptors
– Hypovolemia (10% loss or greater)
• Atrial baroreceptors normally inhibit ADH release
• ↓ volume leads to ↓ firing rate therefore ↑ ADH release
– Hypotension
• ↓ arterial baroreceptor firing
• ↑ sympathetic activity and ↑ ADH release
– Angiotensin II
What is antidiuretic hormone also known as?
ADH, arginine vasopressin
What does antidiuretic hormone (a.k.a. ADH, arginine vasopressin) do?
Increases blood volume by
– ↑ water permeability in renal collecting ducts
• therefore ↓ urine production
In severe hypovolemic shock
– ADH release is high
– Causes vasoconstriction
• ↑ total peripheral resistance
What the fuck is RAAS
Not a frogsoc phrase apparently
-Renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system
What is Renin and when is it released?
• Proteolytic enzyme released from the kidneys in response to:
– Sympathetic nerve activation
• Mediated by baroreceptor feedback
– Renal artery hypotension
• Independent of baroreceptor feedback
– Decreased sodium in kidney distal tubules
How does RAAS impact blood volume?
Renin released from kidney juxtoglomerular cells acts on substrate to produce Angiotensin I which is converted to Angiotensin II in the lungs
Angiotensin II acts on resistance vessels
– ↑total peripheral resistance
Angiotensin II acts directly on the kidneys
– Constricts renal arteries therefore ↓ blood flow via kidneys
Angiotensin II causes release of aldosterone from the adrenal glands
– ↑ Na+ and water reabsorption
Angiotensin II stimulates release of ADH from pituitary which then increases blood volume and therefore arterial pressure
What is Atrial-natriuretic hormone (a.k.a. Atrial-natriuretic peptide)?
28-amino acid peptide synthesised and stored in muscle cells of the atria
– Released in response to stretch of the atria
– Helps oppose the effects of the RAAS system
May help counteract volume overload
Discuss excessive loss of blood volume
Hypovolaemia – Loss of blood volume • ↓ whole blood, e.g. hemorrhage • ↓ plasma, e.g. burns • ↓ sodium, e.g. vomitting – ↓↓ in blood pressure
Classification of shock – Class 1, 10-15% blood loss – Class 2, 15-30% blood loss – Class 3, 30-40% blood loss – Class 4, >40% blood loss
What is the immediate (reflex) response to hypovolemia?
Baroreceptor reflex (change in HR in response to change in BP, so in this case heart rate increases) – Degree of volume loss affects how successful
What are some later response(s) to hypovolemia
Arteriolar constriction
– ↓ hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries
– Favours fluid reabsorption
– Temporary redistribution
Decreased renal blood flow
Baroreceptors plus thirst
Discuss severe hypovolemia (and treatment)
If volume of fluid lost can’t be compensated for
– Damage to tissues and organs can occur – Heart fails
Fluid replacement required:
– Resuscitation fluids
• Colloid (gel/starch/albumin) or Hartmann’s
• Blood
– Fluid challenge algorithm
• Whilst monitoring central venous pressure
What other factors affect blood pressure control?
– Conscious effects of emotions
• Nerves from cortex to medullary CVC centre
Time of day
– Diurnal variations due to hormones and cortical input
– Via mechanical movements – Via chemoreceptors
• Aortic and carotid bodies detect changes in pO2
• If ↓pO2 then rate of firing↑
Summary points
Long term control of blood pressure is through control of blood volume
Blood volume and blood osmotic pressure are detected
Hormonal regulation of kidney function, combined with direct effects of flow, mediate blood volume
Learning outcomes
To describe the hormonal mechanisms involved in long-term regulation of blood pressure (i.e. vasopressin, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and atrial- natriuretic peptide) and how their involvement is regulated.
To predict the short-term, intermediate and long-term physiological changes in the cardiovascular system in response to increased/decreased plasma volume, or changes in plasma osmolarity.
To identify other systems that integrate with the cardiovascular system and can influence blood pressure.