Control of blood pressure Flashcards
How to calculate BP
BP=COXPR cardiac output x peripheral resistance
How does the body maintain normal BP?
Adjusting CO and PR
What does Frank-starling law of heart say?
Relationship between cardia muscle length and force of contraction
What happens as the venous blood returns to the heart?
The greater the length of stretched cardiac muscle fibres, the stronger the ventricular contraction that will follow
What does a stronger contraction increase?
SV and CO
What is the volume of blood that is pumped out of the heart the same as?
The volume that enters the heart
what is CO+PR resistances partially controlled by?
Baroreceptors reflexes
Where are the baroreceptors sense located in BP
Aortic arch and carotid arteries
What does cardio inhibitor reflexes do?
If arterial BP increase, baroreceptors sends impulses to the cardiac centre of the medulla oblongata
Then sends parasympathetic impulses to SA node to slow HR- result in decrease in CO +BP
What does the cardo accelerator reflex do?
If atrial BP decrease the medulla oblongata sends out synthetic impulses to increase HR- increase CO + BP
Steps if cardiac output increases
BP increase- baroreceptor in aortic arch and carotid sinus are stimulated- sensory impulses to the cardiac centre-parasympathetic impulses to the heart-SA node inhibited-HR decreases-BP returns to normal