Contraception Flashcards
how long can sperm live in the female genital tract?
up to 5 days
what are the different types of contraception?
natural family planning
barriers i.e condom/diaphragm
what days during the average cycle is a women most fertile?
what hormones does the combined oral pill contain?
oestrogen and progestogen
what is the primary function of the combined pill?
inhibit ovulation
how does the progestogen only pill work?
deogestrel inhibits ovulation
what are long acting methods of contraception?
implant- 3yrs
coil- 5-10yrs
which contraceptive method the IUS or IUD
1) works be effecting implantation
2) preventing fertilisation all together
1) IUS- favours endometrium unfavourable effecting implantation
2) IUD- thickens cervical mucous preventing fertilisation
how is female sterilisation carried out?
filshie clips and essure used to place insert into fallopian tubes → scar tissue forms around them form barrier to sperm
after performing female sterilisation does the woman still require another form of contraception?
yes- first 3 months follwing surgery then can stop
what are the forms of emergency contraception?
oral EC
copper IUD
up to how many days folowing sex can emergency contraception be used?
up to 5
what are the two kinds of oral Hormonal Emergency Contraception (EHC)?
UPA-EC, anti-progestogen
LNG-EC, high dose progestogen
who cannot recieve UCP-EC, anti progestogen?
those w asthma uncontrolled by oral steroids
if hormonal contracpetion has been taken in past 7 days
how do oral EHC work?
DELAY ovulation they ar enot abortifacient
The Abortion Act 1967 requires what?
two registered medical practioners share opinion abortion is jusitfied
registered medical practitioner can terminate pregnancy
any termination must take place in an NHS hospital or approved premises
what are the different abortion forms in scotland?
HSA1 (cert A)
HSA2 (cert B)
who is required to sign a HSA1 (cert A)?
two doctors required to sign
when must the HSA2 (certB) be completed?
completed by doctor within 24hrs of emergency abortion
who must recieve a HSA4?
cheif medical officer within 7 days of abortion taking place
what is conscientious objection?
docotrs have right to opt of of certain procedures becasue of personal values/beliefs
what is the legal limit for termination of pregnancy?
23 weeks, 6 days
(Tayside- 18 weeks, 6 days)
medical TOP takes place in 2 stages, what are they?
1) oral Mifepristone (anti-progesterone)
2) 24-48 hrs later vaginal or oral prostaglandin (misoprostol, gemeprost)
what are the surgical options for TOP?
vacuum aspiration (6-12 weeks)
dilation and evacuation (not in scotland)