Contemporary Issues In Christianity Flashcards
What does Prejudice mean?
It means to pre-judge and is a negative attitude towards people based solely on a group to which they belong. It is based on an unfounded or unreasonable opinion.
What is Discrimination?
Discrimination is when people are treated unfairly by others because of prejudice. It is a negative action toward a group and results in unequal treatment.
What is stereotyping?
Stereotyping is the assumption that a persons shares al the ( usually negative) characteristics of a group to which it is assumed they belong.
Why are some people prejudiced?
Ignorance/fear – people can be prejudiced Against someone if they do not understand their culture or religion, or not willing to find out more about them.
Scapegoating – if things are not going their way, or if there’s something wrong in society, People often look for someone to blame. Scapegoating is blaming a person or group unfairly for wrongdoings or faults.
Influences – prejudice can be passed down to their children.
Media – we are Bombarded by opinions through TV, newspapers and Internet. Some media outlets can be biased with regard to certain issues.
Experience – People come prejudiced they haven’t had a good experience with them.
What are some characteristics of discrimination?
An action
Caused by a person and negative place towards other people or groups
Caused by an organisation
Can also be positive
Deeply held negative beliefs and stereotypes become part of who people are
Indirect – this is less obvious but this is harmful
Direct – an action that is prejudiced without a doubt.
What is racial prejudiced?
Racial prejudice means prejudging or forming an opinion about different race without any real knowledge of them. It usually involves the belief that people who come from different ways are inferior. It also comes from ignorance and fear of the unknown. Some people believe racial pre-prejudice will fade or disappear so this is different than racism.
What is racism??
Racism is a form of discrimination where people are deliberately prejudged and mistreated because they belong to particular race or because of their skin colour.
What is an Ethnic Minority?
An Ethnic Minority is any group of people who live in a country where the majority of the population belong to a different race, religion or nationality.
What is religious prejudice ?
Religious prejudice is the belief that a person is inferior because they have different religious beliefs or no religious beliefs at all.
What is religious discrimination?
Religious discrimination is the unfair treatment of people because they belong to a particular religion. People have been discriminated against because of their religion throughout history. Eg the holocaust.
What is illegal in UK and Ireland about religious discrimination?
A company insisting that its employee dress in a way that prevents them from wearing traditional religious dress.
A bank refusing to loan money to someone because of their religion.
A restaurant or shop refusing someone entry to someone because of their religious dress.
What is Gender Discrimination?
Gender Discrimination mans treating someone unfairly because of their sex.
What did the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 say ?
The 1975 Sex Discrimination Act made it illegal to discriminate against someone because of their sex in employment.
What is the definition of a disability?
A Disability is physical or mental impairment, which has a significant and long-term negative impact on a persons ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
What did the 2010 Equality Act say ?
The Equality Act 2010 made it unlawful to discriminate against anyone because of a mental or physical disability.
What does the bible say about discrimination?
The Old Testament
“So God Created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female.”
Genesis 1:27
The Gospels
“Love your neighbour as you love yourself.”
Matthew 22:39
When Jesus met an Canaanite woman he put prejudice aside and healed her daughter.
Jesus asked a woman for a drink when in those times a man speaking to a woman outside was unheard of.
What does Paul letters say about Discrimination/Prejudice?
Everyone is equal in Gods eyes and so it is wrong to make anyone feel inferior or suffer because of differences between them !
Suggest ways that Christian’s Church can help make a difference with disability discrimination?
To promote inclusion of people with disabilities
To promote awareness
To recognise the contribution that people living with disability can make to churches
Stop devaluing people that have disabilities in church and give them the extra support they need if necessary.