Abortion Flashcards
What is the definition of abortion?
Abortion is the deliberate ending of a pregnancy with the intentional destruction of the foetus from the womb to cause its death.
What’s an Embryo?
The earliest stage of development in a human life; a fertilised egg in its first weeks.
What is a foetus?
A stage of a human development in the womb; between the embryonic stage and birth.
What do Pro-life groups believe?
Pro-life groups argue that intentionally-caused abortion is always wrong. They believe that the foetus is innocent and defenceless being that needs protected.
Name 3 Pro-life groups?
The Society for the protection of the unborn children (SPUC)
Precious Life
Expand on ‘all life is equal value’ as an argument against abortion?
All life is equal value even a foetus. A foetus is not the same sort of thing as a leg or a kidney. It is not just part of a woman’s body.A foetus has a right to life because it is a potential human being from the moment the egg is fertilised. Abortion is the deliberate killing of a foetus.
Expand on the hippocratic Oath as a argument against abortion?
Abortion is contrary to the medical ethics in the Hippocratic Oath which states “i will maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of conception.” The general medical council describes a good doctor as one who will “make the care of your patient your first concern.”
Expand on responsibility as a argument against abortion?
People should take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. When a woman has sex she runs risk of becoming pregnant. Abortion is not the form of contraception.
Expand on “damage” as an argument against abortion?
Abortion can damage the long term physical and emotional health of the woman.
Expand on “disabled” as an argument against abortion ?
People that have disabilities can live happy and fulfilled lives. The right response is one of compassion.it can never be compassionate to take an innocent life.
Expand on “unable to have children” as an argument against abortion ?
Many woman are unable to have children. It is better to have the child adopted than to kill the unborn foetus.
Expand on “woman’s right” as an argument for abortion/
A woman should have the right to choose what happens to her body. This includes the right to decide whether or not to carry a foetus to birth.
Expand on “cluster of cells’ as an argument for abortion?
An embryo is a cluster of cells and not an actual human being. Life doesn’t really start until the foetus is viable. Up to a certain stage in the pregnancy a foetus cannot survive outside the womb.
Expand on “regarded’ as a argument for abortion?
A woman should be regarded as a person and not just a container for the foetus. If there is a risk to the woman’s health then she should be able to have the right to an abortion.
Expand on “banning abortions” as an argument for abortion?
Banning abortions puts woman at risk by forcing them to use illegal and back-street abortionists.
Expand on “cope’ as a argument for abortion?
Woman may not be able to cope with the birth of a child if she has been raped, is too young or is mentally incapable of continuing the pregnancy.
Expand on “responsibility “ as an argument FOR abortion?
People should take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Abortion is a responsible way of dealing with an unwanted child.
What are 3 reason why abortion is allowed in England, Scotland, NI?
- Continuing with the pregnancy is a risk to the life of the birth mother (abortion allowed until birth)
- There is a risk that the mother may suffer mentally or physically if the pregnancy were allowed to continue.
- There is a risk that once the child is born it would have serious physical or mental disabilities.
Name 4 alternatives to abortion?
- Keep the baby
- Adoption
- Fostering
- Choose to have baby at risk to the birth mother’s life
Expand on “keep the baby” as an alternative to abortion?
In the past woman were shamed for having a baby if they were unmarried. The shame of being unmarried and pregnant has become a thing of the past, with many pregnant with many pregnant women remaining single or cohabiting. There is support out there such as child benefits and housing benefits.
Expand on “adoption” as an alternative to abortion?
Adoption means someone else becomes the child’s legal parent and they raise them as their own child. The biological parents give up all right to the child.
Expand on “fostering” as an alternative to abortion?
This is when a child is placed in the temporary care of another family until birth parents can look after the child. The child is still legally the brith parents. Foster parents are paid by the government to look after the children in care.
Expand on “choose to have baby even at risk to the mother”?
Some women suffering from a life-treating illness are advised not to continue a pregnancy because having a baby is a risk to their health. How’re ever some reject this advice. Such woman may make their decision on religious grounds or they may decide that it is worth the risk.