Bioethics Flashcards
What is bioethics ?
Bioethics is the study of the ethical and moral implications of new biology discoveries and biomedical advances.
What are 2 things bioethics looks at?
- Creating Life - this involves the different types of fertility treatment available for childless couples and the questions arising from them.
- Maintaining Life - this includes how science is used to help keep people alive longer. An important element of this is medical research.
What is infertility?
Infertility is when a couple are unable to have a baby naturally. In the UK around one in seven couples may have difficulty conceiving.
What does IVF stand for ?
IVF stands for in vitro fertilisation. ‘In vitro is Latin for ‘in glass’.
What is IUI and AI?
Intrauterine Insemination
Artificial Insemination
What happens during IUI?
Sperm is collected from semen samples and, using a syringe, is introduced into the woman’s uterus when she is ovulating. The aim is to fertilise the egg.
What are the 2 types of IUI and what are they?
- IUI by partner or husband- This occurs when the husband or male partner has healthy sperm but he may have a low sperm count.
- IUI by donor-This occurs if the husband or partner’s sperm is not healthy, if he has no sperm count at all or if the woman does not have a male partner.
What happens to spare embryos from IVF?
Spare embryos are either destroyed , frozen for future pregnancies or donated to medical research.
Why do some Christian’s don’t agree with IVF?
Some Christians call it adultery as the donor is not married to the woman or vice versa.
What are is the greatest risk with IVF?
Multiple births - increased risk for both mother and babies eg high blood pressure, gestational diabetes and premature birth, life long disabilities for the babies
What are designer babies?
This is when an embryo is modified to produce desirable qualities. It would allow couples to select the qualities they would like their baby to have eg sex of the child.
Why is identity an issue with IVF or IUI from a donor?
Children born from IVF or IUI from a donor may feel confused and have many questions. Children born through this way have the right to identify their biological parents when at age 18. There is a small risk that someone born from a donor egg/sperm may meet a half brother or sister and not know. If a sexual relationship develops, this could have a huge ethical implications.
What is 3 parent IVF?
It is a procedure where babies can be made from 2 woman and 1 man. It has been developed by scientists to prevent children being born with deadly genetic diseases passed on by their mother. Genetic material from a donor is used to correct certain conditions found in embryos.
What does the Warnock Report say on embryos?
The Warnock Report was published, stating that an embryo experimentation was allowed up to 14 days of development because that is when an embryo is distinct individual and can no longer from a twin.
What are the 4 points in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology ACT 1990?
- An authority to monitor fertility treatment.
- Human embryos produced for research must be discarded after 14 days and cannot be implanted into a woman’s womb.
- Sperm from donors can be used up to ten fertility treatments. Sperm donors can remain anonymous.
- Financial gain from surrogacy is illegal.
What are the 3 points in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology ACT 2008?
- It gave same sex couples the right to name both partners on their child’s birth certificate.
- It banned sex selection of children for non-medical reasons.
- It made saviour sibling procedure legal.
What is human surrogacy ?
Surrogacy means another woman becomes pregnant , carries and gives birth to a baby for someone who wants a child but is unable to do so.
What are the 2 types of surrogacy?
- Traditional surrogacy
2. Gestation surrogacy
What happens when surrogacy is successful?
If the procedure is successful the baby is brought up as the child of the couple or single parent. The surrogate mother gives up all rights and responsibilities.
What are 4 issues arising from surrogacy?
- Some Christian’s are uncomfortable with the use of a surrogate mother they consider it as a form of adultery.
- Surrogacy agreements are not legally binding which could lead up to issues if the surrogate mother wants to keep the child.
- People desperate for a child maybe willing to pay for the child from surrogate mother.
- the child may want to find his or her siblings when they are older.
What do Christian’s say about the sanctity of life?
Life begins at conception and is sacred because human beings are created in the image of God.
Genesis 1:26
God has planned our lives even before birth
Jeremiah 1:5
Destroying embryos could be regarded as murder
Do not commit murder
What does The Catholic Church say about different fertility treatments?
Teaches that embryos have the right to be respected as a person from the movement of conception.
- Condemn IUI, IVF and surrogacy.
- Opposes embryo experimentation when such experiments aren’t direct therapeutic benefit of the foetus.
- Opposes amniocentesis
What some other Christian denominations say about fertility treatment?
You created every part of me; you put me together in my birth mothers womb.
Psalms 139
Regard embryos as potential human beings and as such they should be respected and protected. Some are against genetic engineering and stem cell research.
What do The Catholic Church say about Marriage and Family?
The Catholic Church is against IVF. It believes that a child has a right to be conceived within marriage as a result of the gift of the sexual union of a husband and wife.
What do the Anglican Church say about fertility treatment ?
The Anglican Church accepts IVF in all its forms, including the donation of eggs and sperm by third parties. However individual Anglicans may decide not to use a donor.
Why do some people think fertility treatment is playing God?
They argue that having a baby is a gift from God. It is not a right and if a couple are unable to conceive then they should accepts Gods will for them.
What is HFEA?
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
What is the main function of HFEA?
The main function of the HFEA is to license, monitor and inspect fertility clinics and human embryo research centres in the UK.
what does the HFEA aim to do?
Ensure that everyone who steps into the fertility clinic, and everyone born as a result of treatment, receives high-quality care.
What is Regulation?
Regulation means making sure fertility clinics and research centres follow the law to ensure high-quality care and research.
What does the HFEA provide information about?
Fertility treatments Egg Freezing Donating Eggs or sperm Researching Clinics Donors and genetic siblings Costs and funding
What did Simon Fishel say about the importance on having a regulation?
“Its very important to have a regulation. It takes away ambiguity about what doctors and scientists can do.”