Constitutional Monarchy Flashcards
what were the religious changes made between august 1789- June 1790?
- pluralism abolished
- payment of annates ended
- don gratuit abolished
- church property nationalised
what was the Civil Constitution of the Clergy? when was it?
12 July 1790- church structure reorganised, all clergymen become paid state officials and bishops and priests would be elected
what was the Oath to the Civil Constitution? when was it?
November 1790- all clergy shall swear to be faithful to. the nation and the Constitution
what happened to those who did not take the oath to the Constitution?
they would be deprived of their offices and salaries.
of 160 bishops only 7 took the oath and 55% of clergy men
when did the assembly declare that refractory priests were counter-revolutionaries?
November 1791 and from may 1792 they could be deported
when was the declaration of the rights of man and citizen? what was it?
august 1789- all men are born free and equal, and defended freedom of speech and religion. influenced the constitution of 1791
in the constitution of 1791 what powers did the king have restricted?
the king had a suspensory veto, he retained the power to appoint ministers to form a cabinet, he was to be called king of the French
when did Louis accept the new Constitution?
September 1791
what were some of the administrative reforms made?
abolition of old provinces and creation of 83 departments. however jobs in these new decentralised governments often went to propertied and educated bourgeoisie
what were the new legal rights?
- every accused person was to be brought before a judge within 24hrs
- torture and branding abolished
- sentences were to be fair
When did the assembly begin to issue assignats? what were they?
December 1789- used as bonds for church lands and were later used like paper money. however excessive printing caused inflation
who were the Jacobins?
radical left club whose members were predominantly bourgeois, had 1000 members by 1790. in 1791 became more radical which made some break off
what was the cordeliers club?
left wing club whose entry fee was low and was open to men and women. founded by Danton and Desmoulins with Marat being a member
when was the Flight to Varennes?
the night of 20/21 June 1791- the king tried to escape the Tuileries palace to the boarder but was caught and was escorted back to Paris
what effect did the flight to Varennes have?
the general public doubted the kings interest in the revolution and when he escorted back to Paris was met with a crowd of silence. Louis was temporarily suspended
when was Louis temporarily suspended?
16 July 1791 until the new Constitution had been signed
how many deputies abstained from voting to suspend the king?
when was the champ de mars? what was it?
17 July 1791- a meeting where people could sign a petition for the establishment of a republic. around 6000 attended and the Paris commune sent Lafayette to ensure order which then turned into the crowd throwing stones and gunfire on the crowds
how many were killed at the champ de mars massacre?
around 50
what effect did the Champ de mars have on the assembly?
it completed the spilt among the 3rd estate. with some taking the side of the moderates who thought the revolution shouldn’t go any further and the Jacobins who became more radical
what was the journee of the 20th June 1792?
a mob of around 8000 s-c accompanied by national guard marched to the Tuileries to demand the king to withdraw his suspensory veto, Louis allowed his doors to be open and sported a bonnet rouge
what was la patrie en danger?
11 July 1792-the fatherland in danger and was issued in response to the French reverses in war
what was the Brunswick manifesto?
July 1792- manifesto written by the duke of Brunswick claiming that if the king was harmed Paris would suffer vengeance
what was the journee of the 10th august 1792?
around 20,000 s-c marched on the Tuileries and national guard. the Swiss guard were defending the palace. the crowd surged through the courtyard which killed almost all the Swiss guard and 2000 s-c
what was the outcome of the journee 10th august?
the Paris commune removed the king to the temple prison and declared him suspended
what were the September massacres provoked by?
the news that Longwy had fallen to the enemy and there was fear that Verdun would fall (the last fort before Paris)
what was the September massacres?
the fear of plots and war created a frenzy of killing as between 1000-1500 prisoners were killed.
the first attacks led by federes 2nd September were on refractory priests and over the following days political prisoners and criminals were killed
what was the outcome of the September massacres?
the power of the assembly was shown to be weak and the girondin blamed the Jacobins for the violence deepening the split
when was France declared a republic?
22 September 1792
who was to decide the fate of the king?
robespierre and the Jacobins called for an execution whilst the girondins feared that would increase unrest or provoke civil war
what were the problems in France?
- growing inflation (which increased restlessness of s-c)
* the outbreak of the chouan rebellions
what decision was made about the king?
he would be tried and was found guilty and executed
how many in the convention voted the king guilty?
693 yes and 0 no votes however some abstained
when was the storming of the Bastille?
14th July 1789- 70 attackers killed
when did Louis dismiss necker?
11 July 1789
what was the great fear? when was it?
between 17 july and 3 august 1789, caused by grain supplies which were being hoarded and the fear of foreign invasion.
when were the august decrees? what did they establish?
4 august 1789- abolished feudal rights and obligations to landlords, ended tithes, abolished venality, abolished privilege
when did the October days take place? what happened?
5 October 1789- 6000-7000 women marching with national guard to Versailles
what was le chapeleir law? when was it?
June 1791- limited freedom of association and prevented workers from striking and forming trade unions
when was the declaration of pillnitz? what did it declare?
27 august 1791- the French crown should be restored to previous powers and military force should be used to bring it about
when did Louis dismiss the entire ministry?
13 June 1792- following the National Assembly decrees and declaration of war
how many girondin deputies were elected in Paris in September 1792 to the national convention?
NO Girondin deputes elected
when did national convention elections take place?
September 1792, clashed with September massacres