constipation Flashcards
what is constipation?
it is broadly defined as unsatisfactory defecation characterised by infrequent stools, 3 of fewer movements per week
what can constipation lead to?
hardening of stool and strain when attempting to defecate
what are the symptoms of constipation?
lower abdominal pain, distension or bloating
is constipation subjective to age?
no- it is commonly seen in women, the elderly or during pregnancy but can occur at any age
what can constipation be a side effect of?
medications- those that slow intestinal motility
low fibre diet
disorders that disrupt the coordinated muscle contractions
what factors contribute to constipation?
medical conditions
other- social class. education/ female sex/ age/ physical activity
common causes of constipation include:
low fibre
no sufficient drinking water or liquids
sedentary lifestyle
how may constipation be classified?
primary- the causes of intrinsic problems of colonic or anorectal function
secondary: the causes are related to organic diseases, systemic diseases or medications
what is functional constipation?
must include or more of the following:
-strain at lead 25% of defecations
lumpy or hard stools in more than 25/5
sensation of incompleeye evacuation for more than 25%
manual maneuvers to faciliate more than 25%
less than 3 poos per week
loose stools are rarely present without use of laxatives
all the above must be for the oast 3 months with symptom onset more than 6 months before diagnosis
what are the subclasifications of secondary or organic constipation?
medication-induced metabolic diseases neuropathies myopathies other
what are the questions you would ask when determining constipation?
frequency and consistancy of stools n and v abdominal pain, distension or discomfort mobility diet
when would patients requre further investiagtion with constipation?
- unexplained
- constipation without pain or vomiting
- passage of blood or mucus tenesmis
- long-standing constipation or unresponsibe to treatment
what would the constipation further investigation involve?
colonic and anorectal manometry, stool analysis and a flexible sigmidoscroy or colonscopy
how would you manage constipation?
education- diet and exercise non drug treatment diet and lifesty;e changes no tea or coffee laxatives- long term
what is dyssynergic defecation?
it is an acquired behavioural disorder in two-thirds of adults
biodeedback therapy is the mainstay treatment
addition of sensory retraining in those with rectal hyposensitivity
when is drug treatment in constipation recommended?
where there is faecal impaction, associated illness, pregnancy or poor diet
what are laxatives classified as?
bulk forming
faecal softners
based on patient choice
what are bulking agents
they are stool normalisers
help control faecal consistanct in IBS where diarrhoea is predominant for people with ileostimy of colostomy
what is the various MOA for bulking agents?
a hydrophilic action- retention of water i the gut lumen- expands and softens the faeces
proliferation of colonic bacteria- increases faecal bulk- stimulation of colonic musosal receptors- promoting peristalsis
dehydration of polysacchardies in the sterculia to substances that have an osmotic laxative effect
how should you take bulking agents
at least 24 hours after ingestion
need to be taken with a lot of water
est a regular bowel
they should be avoided if there is faeal impactation
what are some examples of stimulant laxatives?
senna, bisacidyl, danthron and sodium picosulfate
how does senna work?
it is a tea
contains sennosides and anthrone glycosides- have no purgative activity
sennoside a and b are metabolised to form rheinathrone
this inc cox 2 expression which increases prostaglandin E2
this inc is associated with a decreased in aquaporin 3
this restricts water reabsorption- inc faeceal water contentent
how does bisacidyl work?
- is hydrolyzed by intestinal brush border enzymes and colonic bacteria
- form an active metabolite [bis -(p-hydroxyphenyl) pyridyl-2methane (BHPM)] that acts directly on the colonic mucosa.
- stimulates sensory nerve endings in the walls of the intestine and there ctumto produce peristalti ccontractions of the colon and cause defecation.
- It is also a contact laxative ;it increases fluid and salt secretion. Constipation
what is the onset time of the lazatives?
8-12 hours