Activation-synthesis theory
A theory proposing that neurons in the brain activate randomly during REM sleep.
Biological rhythms
Periodic physiological changes.
The release of tension that results when repressed thoughts or memories move into a patient’s conscious mind.
Circadian rhythms
Biological cycles that occur about every twenty-four hours.
The part of the mind that contains all the information that a person is paying attention to at a particular time.
The awareness people have of themselves and the environment around them.
Endogenous biological rhythms
Biological cycles that originate from inside the body rather than depend on cues from the environment.
A procedure in which suggestions are made to a person.
The component of the personality that contains instinctual energy.
The component of the personality that manages the conflict among the id, the superego, and the constraints of the real world.
Infradian rhythms
Biological cycles that take longer than twenty-four hours.
A chronic problem with falling or staying asleep.
A psychoanalytic technique that involves suggesting the hidden meanings of free associations, dreams, feelings, memories, and behavior to the client.
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The hidden meaning of a dream, the truth that is disguised in the form of the dream you experienced. The true desire of the id.
Lucid dreams
Dreams in which people are aware that they are dreaming.