Consciousness Flashcards
refers to a state of awareness
awareness that one exists as an individual being
what is present in the consciousness of the brain?
the thalamus and the cerebral cortex
pattern of electrical brain activity
when we are not thinking about anything in particular
- prepares the brain for conscious thought
- we spend about 50 % of time in this state
normal state of consciousness characterized by reduced awareness of the environment
normal state of consciousness characterized by alertness and awareness of the environment
circadian rhythms
a daily biological rhythm that determines sleep and waking, influenced by light exposure
biological clock
internal mechanism that provides an approximate schedule for bodily processes
external stimuli that help us identify identify time of day
what can mess with your circadian rhythm?
- exposure to too much artificial light
- decreased release of melatonin from the pineal gland
- shift work
- travel across time zone
major depressive orders can become worse with…
seasonal patters
electroencephalogram (EEG)
test that detects electrical activity in your brain using small, flat metal disks (electrodes) attached to your scalp
different sleep wavelengths acronyms…
B - beta (awake)
A - alpha (drowsy)
T - theta (stage 1)
S - spindles and k-complexes (stage 2)
D - delta (stage 3 and 4)
B - beta (REM)
gamma waves
pattern of brain activity that signals a person is processing sensory input
beta waves
pattern of brain activity that signals that a person is actively thinking and alert
alpha waves
patter of brain actively that signals that a person is awake but relaxed
stage-one of sleep
N - REM Sleep
- very light sleep characterized by theta waves
stage two of sleep
N-REM Sleep
- characterized by slower heart rate and breathing pattern, as well as K-complexes and spindles
Stages 3 & 4 of Sleep
N-REM Sleep
- deep sleep (difficult to wake from), characterized by delta waves and rhythmic breathing
REM Sleep is characterized by…
- brain activity resembling waking
- rapid motion of the eyes
- muscular paralysis
- sympathetic nervous system activation
- vivid dreaming
a mental state that usually occurs during sleep featuring visual imagery
- during REM sleep
- remember the content
- experiences by everyone
sleep terrors
- prior to REM sleep
- become distressed during
- don’t remember it once they wake up
- difficulty falling or staying asleep
- 30 % of adults report insomnia
- related to anxiety or emotional distress
- sudden sleep occurs during everyday tasks
- REM sleep
sleep apnea
- people stop breathing while sleeping
- common in obese/overweight people
- can lead to brain damage
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- infants die suddenly in their sleep
- if they are not laying the right way or if they
restless leg syndrome
- involuntary movement in one leg
- tingling feeling
- damage to both cerebral hemispheres or to the reticular formation
- lasts a few days or several weeks
vegetative state
- waking without consciousness
- patients look normal but can’t (usually) communicate
brain death
complete and irreversible lack of measurable brain activity
near-death experiences
an out-of-body experience in which people feel they are viewing their body from a floating person above it
uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain that often produce changes in consciousness
parietal seizures
originate in a particular part of the brain known as the focal area and are often accompanied by an aura
generalized seizures
loss of consciousness, cessation of breathing, and intense muscular contraction
psychoactive drugs
any drug with the capability of altering a person’s state of consciousness
why do people use drugs?
- recreational use
- seeking insight
- positive emotions
- self discovery
- religious contexts
- healing
compulsive physical or psychological dependence on a substance or activity
when a person must take larger quantities of a drug to achieve the same effect
response to removal of some habitually administered drug
- words on cannabinoid receptors
- hallucinogen
- memory impairment
- loss of motivation
- depression
- social withdrawal
- vivid hallucinations
- can produce flashbacks
- intrusive and involuntary hallucinations years and decades later
ritalin (methylphenidate)
- increased attention
- decreased appetite and difficulty sleeping
- not only taken by patients with ADHD
- it can be used to make ANYONE focus
cocaine and amphetamines
- alertness
- elevated mood
- confidence
- sense of well being
bad effects…
- produce schizofrenia like symptoms
- hallucinations
- delusional fears
- repetitive motor behaviors
MDMA (ecstasy)
- increased heart hate
- increased blood pressure
- increased body temperature
- increased sociability
bad effects…
- dehydration
- exhaustion
- hypothermia
- convulsions
- death
- euphoria
- pain relief
- reduced anxiety
- sleep
- increased alertness
- inhibits sleep
bad effects…
- headache
- fatigue
- heart rhythm abnormalities
- increased heart rate and blood pressure
- reduced fatigue
- improves cognitive performance
- muscle relaxation
- dilates blood vesicles
- warm and flushed feeling
- reduces anxiety
- more outgoing
bad effects…
- agression
- risky behavior
- poor coordination
4 main substance use disorders
- imparted control
- social impairments
- risky use
- pharmacological criteria