Sentence Practice Week 1-6 (Connecting Clauses) Flashcards
Translate this sentences using -다가:
I was sleeping and had a scary dream
잠을 자다가 무서운 꿈을 꿨어요.
Is this sentence correct?
밥을 먹다가 전화가 왔습니다.
The interrupting action has to be done by the same subject.
Translate the following sentence using -다가
While sleeping in the bedroom, he suddenly passed away
침실에서 자다가 갑자기 돌아가셨어요.
Is this sentence correct?
밥을 먹다가 (내가) 전화를 받았습니다
The subjects are the same in both sentences so the sentence is correct.
Is this sentence correct?
저는 항상 숙제를 끝내고 나서 놀러 가요.
Yes, it is correct
Translate this sentence using -고 나서:
Shall we have a meal then go to see a film?
저녁 식사를 하고 나서 영화를 보러 갈까요?
Translate this sentence using 고 나서:
Please wash your hands, then eat.
손을 씻고 나서 식사하세요.
Is this sentence correct?
수업이 끝나고 나서 저는 화장실에 갔어요.
Yes, it is correct.
-고 나서 can be used with the subject of the two clauses are different
Is this sentence correct?
어제 숙제를 했느라고 잠을 못 잤어요.
No, -느라고 cannot be used with the past or future tense.
Is the following sentence correct?
동생이 어제 컴퓨터를 쓰느라고 내가 숙제를 못 했어요
No. The subjects of the two clauses have to be the same.
Is the following sentence correct?
늦잠을 자느라고 수업 시간에 늦었어요.
No because the first action was purely accidental.
-느라고 is usually used with the first action is done with intention
Translate the following sentence using -느라고:
I was talking on the phone so I couldn’t say hello.
전화를 받느라고 인사할 수 없었어요.
Translate the following sentence using (으)면서
If you need help, speak out while pressing this button
도움이 필요하면 이 벨을 누르면서 말씀하세요
Translate the following sentence using (ㄴ/는) 다면
If I hadn’t come to Korea, I wouldn’t have met my boyfriend.
제가 한국에 오지 않았다면 남자친구를 만나지 못했을 거예요
Conjugate the following verbs with (ㄴ/는) 다면:
- 하다
- 먹다
- 가다 past tense (갔다)
- 되다
- 좋다
- 이다
Conjugated with (ㄴ/는) 다면:
- 하다 -> 한다면
- 먹다 -> 먹는다면
- 갔다 -> 갔다면
- 되다 -> 된다면
- 좋다 -> 좋다면
- 이다 -> 이라면
Is the following sentence correct?
다시 태어나면 한국인으로 태어나고 싶어요.
No. There is no chance of being reborn so instead
(ㄴ/는) 다면 should be used
다시 태어난다면 한국인으로 태어나고 싶어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean using (ㄴ/는) 다면:
If I were Lisa I would be really happy
제가 리사라면 정말 행복할 것 같아요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean used -는 길에:
I dropped by the convenience store and bought some milk on my way back home.
집에 오는 길에 편의점에 들러서 우유를 샀어요.
Translate the following sentence using 는 길에:
Please throw away some trash on your way out.
나가는 길에 쓰레기를 좀 버려 주세요.
Is the following sentence correct?
비가 많이 오느라고 등산을 못 갔어요
No. When using -느라고 the subject of the sentence has to be the same.
Correction: 비가 많이 **와서 ** 등산을 못 갔어요.
Translate the following sentence into Korean using -느라고:
I am busy studying as I have a mid-term exam next week.
다음 주에 중간고사가 있어서 공부를 하느라고 너무 바빠요.