Congenital Structural Abnormalities of The Reproductive Tract Flashcards
What develops from the Mullerian ducts?(paramesonephric ducts)
Upper vagina, cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes
Bicornuate Uterus
Two “horns” to the uterus, giving the uterus a heart-shaped appearance appearance
Investigations for a bicornate uterus
Pelvis USS
Complications of a bicornate uterus
Premature birth
Imperforate Hymen
Hymen at the entrance of the vagina is fully formed, without an opening.
Presentation of imperforate Hymen
Cyclical pelvic pain and cramping that would ordinarily be associated with menstruation but without any vaginal bleeding
Diagnosing an imperforate hymen
History and examination
Management of an imperforate hymen
Surgical incision
Transverse Vaginal Septae
Where a septum forms transversely across the vagina.
Can be perforate (with a hole) or imperforate (completely sealed)
Presentation of transverse vaginal septae
Perforated: Still menstruate but difficulty with intercourse and tampon use
Imperforate: cyclical pelvic pain with no menstruation
How to diagnose transverse vaginal septae
Examination, ultrasound or MRI
Management of transverse vaginal septae
Surgical correction
Complications of surgery for transverse vaginal septae
Vaginal stenosis
Vaginal Hypoplasia
Abnormally small vagina
Vaginal agenesis
Absent vagina
Why does vaginal hypoplasia or agenesis occur
Failure of the Mullerian ducts to properly develop
Management of vaginal hypoplasia
Use of vaginal dilator over a prolonged period of time