Conflicts with Britain and Era of Good Feelings Flashcards
Battle of New Orleans
biggest defeat for British came 2 weeks after peace treaty was signed Andrew Jackson was commander use of free African-Americans in combat resulted in an American victory
New England during War of 1812
many did not support the US war effort and gave aid in the form of food and $$ to the British
Canada during the War of 1812
had the smallest number of British troops
US attempted a failed 3-prong invasion
Treaty of Ghent
ended the War of 1812 in a draw - neither side got additional territory; territory that was captured was returned and no financial compensation was given by either side
Hartford Convention
convention held in New England by disgruntled Federalists; they drew up a list of demands that included ending the 3/5 compromise and wanted to see a 2/3 majority vote in Congress before war could be declared
Tariff of 1816
protective tariff aimed at curbing imports from Britain; unique b/c its the first tariff in US history that is NOT aimed at making $$
American System
3-tiered system drawn up by Henry Clay that would focus on creating a strong banking system, protective tariffs and increased roads and canals for transportation of raw materials and goods throughout the US
Opposition to the American System
came from Democratic-Republicans b/c they viewed elements, especially the interstate transportation, as unconstitutional
Panic of 1819
caused primarily by speculation on frontier lands
Tallmadge Amendment
was passed by the house in response to Missouri’s request for statehood, and would have allowed no additional slaves to be brought into the state; the south feared that this amendment would upset the sectional balance that the Union had achieved so far
Missouri Compromise
allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state, and Maine entered as a free state, keeping the balance between slave and free states
slavery was also prohibited within the remainder of the Louisiana Territory north of the 36 30’ line
McCulloch v. Maryland
court case presided over by Chief Justice John Marshall; extended the power of the federal gov’t
Gibbons v. Ogden
court case presided over by Chief Justice John Marshall; limited power of the states
Adams-Onis Treaty
Spain sold Florida to the US because it could no longer defend the area, and would have lost it anyway, so wanted to get some $$ out of the deal
Monroe Doctrine
included 2 warnings to European countries; 1) non-colonization and 2) nonintervention in affairs in the Western Hemisphere, however, the US could not enforce this demand at the time it was issued
Chesapeake Affair
British captain fired on the US ship, Chesapeake, off the VA coast after the US captain refused to hand over 4 alleged deserters; Britain admitted it was in the wrong, but this highlighted the issue of British impressment of American sailors
Embargo Act
cut off raw materials and food supplies to European countries in an effort to avoid a war that the US could not win; forbade the export of American products in US or foreign ships; hurt the US economy far more than it did the economies of Britain or France
Macon’s Bill No. 2
Congress’ response to Embargo Act; said that we would trade with whichever country approached us first with favorable economic terms, and then would refuse to do business with the other (meaning Britain and France); Britain put in place its own naval blockade against France, which made it nearly impossible for the US to conduct trade with France; Bill backfired, and the US’s neutrality was over
Battle of Tippecanoe
Battle between US forces (lead by William Henry Harrison) and Shawnee Indians; victory for the US, and put an end to an Indian Confederacy
Louisiana Purchase
Sold by Napoleon to the US for $15 million; originally US was interested only in port of New Orleans; Jefferson wrestled with this purchase, as he thought it exceeded his presidential powers, as laid out by the Constitution
Tripolian War
unhappy with bribes being paid by the US to protect its ships off the North African coast, the ruler of Tripoli declared war; Jefferson sent US Marines and after 4 years of intermittent fighting was able to secure a peace treaty
judicial review
Chief Justice John Marshall asserted the Supreme Court’s right to be the final say on the Constitutionality of laws in the court case Marbury v. Madison
Election of 1800
represents a peaceful take over of power by one party from another (Democratic-Republicans from Federalists)
Judiciary Act of 1801
law passed by an outgoing Federalist Congress in an effort to pack the court system with Federalist judges