conflicts of ideology Flashcards
who were the superpowers? why were they called that
-Soviet Union and United States
- after second world war, had gained signifcant power
what was the yalta conference
- big three met at conference, planned to end war and meet about postwar europe
- sense of shared victory gave hope cooperation was possible
- by end, showed clear differences between wesetern leaders and soviet union
who were the big three
- wiston churchill, franklin roosevelt, joseph stalin
what agreements were made at yalta conference
- dividing germany into four zones of occupation
- having free elections in newly liberated countries of europe
what was the postdam conference
-atlee and truman were newly elected, had strong values of anti-communism
- soviet union was establising communist friendly governments, did not want to give up territory
- seen as beginning of cold war
-showed clear differences
what is a sphere of influence
countries that would be politically influenced by other countries
what was expansionism
- soviet union expansion to european countries
- way to get ‘command of world economy’
how did stalin justify expansionism
-wanted to keep germany divided, previous unification had invaded soviet union
- wanted to maintain/expand soviet infleunce to surrounding countries for safety
what is a hot war
direct armed conflic
whwat is containment
trumans desire to contain the spead of communism, fought through other methods
what was the truman doctrine
- truman developed foreign policy
- 400 million aid to germany and turkey in defeating communism
- later expanded to countries us felt threatened by
what was the marshall plan? how did the Soviet Union Respond
- george marshall, 13 billion in aid
- offered to all countries of europe, prevent communism
- when asked to attend conference, USSR foreign minster ordered leaders not to attend
- created soviet alternative: molotov plan, rebuild countries that were aligned with Soviet Union
what is NATO, why was it created? how did soviet union respond
-north atlantic treaty organization
- countries would assist one another if attacked by soviet union, alliance
-established collective security
- USSR created warsaw pact, seen as response to west germany joining NATO
what is a war of words
battle between politicians, treated one another with great disrepsect, actions such as threat and name calling, increased tensions
what is a prestige war
wars of acheivements, goverment believes and present achievement of being first, best, or winner in non-military competition
-proof one is better than other
what is espionage
spying on other countries to find hiddden information
what is deterrence
belief that when both superpower posses enough nuclear wearheads, they will be deterred from staring a war because it is not desirable or winnable, MAD (mutually assured destruction)
what is brinkmanship
pushing a dangerous conflucct to the tipping point, depend on opposition giving in
what was the cuban missile crisis?
- United states refused to send Cuba money or buy sugar
-socialist or communist government was a threat, too close to borders - Soviet union stepped into their place
- CIA trained cuban exiles to invade cuba, overthrow castro
“bay of pigs”: invaded on shore, without help were killed or prisoned - later learned cuba had missiles sent by USSR, had capacity to destory cities
- kennedy ordred naval blockade, ships drew near, tensions increased
-eventually negotiated, superpowers avoided war
what was negotiated during Cuban Missile Crisis
- soviet union would remove missiles from Cuba
- United states promised not to invade Cuba, withdraw missiles from turkey
what is a proxy war
war that results when two countries use third parties or countires as an alternative to fighting eachother directly
what was the korean war
- soviet union and united states agreed to split korea at 38th parallel
- free elections supposed to be held, but USSR did not let them take place in the north
- when soviet union and US left korea, leader of north korea felt needed to be unified, attacked south
- soviet union supplied north, while united states and UN supported south
- pushed back, but conitnued further, china felt threatened
- war ended with ceasefire agreement
what was the vietnam war
- conference held to solve problems left in vietnam from second world war
- free elections were to take place, but never happened
-US supported south government, sent advisors and weapons - north received weapons from soviet union and china, took control of all of vietnam
-resulted in single-party communist country
what was the soviet war in Afghanistan
-invaded in order to gain neighbour, supported pro-soviet regime
- american governmnet supported resistance fighters, now had lots of weapons
- was too difficult, soviet retreated, but left afghanistan with weakened government and well-armed military
what was the Bandung Conference
- meeting of african and asian states
- promote economic and cultural co-operation, oppose influence from US or Soviet Union
- began movement known as non-alignment
- countries chose not to side with the US or Soviet Union
what was the ping-pong diplomacy
- bring greater understanding between western and China
- ping-pong teams played one another, establish relations
-successful, Richard Nixon became first president to visit communist china
what was the hungarian revolution
-began as student demonstration in budapest, security shot, broke out in protests
- new government formed, declared out of warsaw pact
- soviet troops invaded hungary, created new government and destroyed all opposition
what was prague spring
-political liberation in czechoslovakia
- government reformist alexander dubcek came to power, created liberal reforms
- continued until soviet union and allies invaded, stopped reform and were reversed
what was solidarity in poland
- lech walsea formed solidarity, powerful anti-communist movement
- soviet tried to destroy, but too strong, ended in negotionation
- led to semi-free elections
what was the berlin wall liberation
- wall was built by east germany to prevent people from espcaing to west germany
- cultural and physical iron curtain
- wave a pro-democracy, communist leaders forced out of power, borders were opened
- often a signifier of the end of the cold war (not officially)
- caused USSR government to collapse
who was Nikita Khrushchev, what did he believe
- power after Stalin died
- believed United States and Soviet Union could coexist
- created period of reducing tensions
what was detente
-period of reducing tensions, means relaxed
- methods such as peace treaties and reduction in arms to reduce cold war tensions
willingness to promote positive relations
what was SALT I
- strategic arms limitation treaty,
-limited anti-ballistic missiles, froe number of US intercontinental missiles