Conference 2: Back 2 Flashcards
Feature #1
Spinous proess
Feature #2
Feature #3
Indicated by yellow lines
Interlaminar space
Anatomical features that make the lower lumbar spine best place for spinal tap:
- spinal cord ends at L2 but the subarachnoid space goes until S1 or S2
- lumbar spinous processes don’t overlap
- large interlaminar space
T1 weighted MRIs
Fat produces high signal (appears white), water appears dark
T2 weighted MRIs
Water produces high signal and appears white
How does the anatomy of the L4-L5 disc differ from the normal discs located just above and below it ?
- reduced disc height
- reduced fluid content
- posterior herniation
What forces would act on the disc during flexion of the spine?
- Tensile stress: on posterior part of disc (red)
- Compression forces on anterior part of disc (blue)
What anatomic factors predispose intervertebral discs to posterolateral herniations during spine flexion?
- no (weak) posterolateral ligament support (when compared to anteromedial)
- annulus fibrosis is thinner posteriorly
- eccentric position of nucleus pulposus
- flexion puts more tensile stress on posterior part of disc
Why is a tumor compressing the spinal cord at the T11 vertebral level causing pain in the upper lumbar region and not in the lower thoracic region?
Spinal cord segments for the upper lumbar spinal nerves are located at the T11 vertebral level