Conditions of Life Flashcards
List of Biological conditions of life
List of Linguistic conditions of life
Relationship Career Money Sociality Ethics Education
List of Transactional conditions of life
Fitness Aesthetics Environment Politics Legacy Spirituality/Self-Actualization
The condition of our biology
The Labor, Work, and Action of life.
What we do with our mind and our body to take care of and cause our lives.
Kirkland: Activity represents the all-encompassing movement/dynamic of a creature engaging in the environment on this planet.
Webinar slide: For the Biological Condition of Life, a critter must be active. We live in a democracy of critters, in an active, constant negotiation of events. We must move to live.
Knowing is the condition of our awareness of reality integrated into the activity of life and living. Knowing is organizing acts.
Knowing is doing. For example, consider how we get know swimming. We could read about it, study it, watch videos, discuss it, and perhaps even practice on dry land and yet still we wouldn’t know swimming until we got into the water and tested our understanding through action. Furthermore, our fitness to swim could not be developed in a single attempt.
Relationship is the condition of our capacity to give and accept care and love.
Career is the condition of our public identity; how we are known for the help we offer others.
Money is the condition of our ability and capacity to function with others in meaningful economic exchange.
Money is help. Money is a measure or metric of the value of our offer(s) in the marketplace. Money is a tool used for the purpose of exchange.
The condition of our ability and capacity to function among others.
Sociality means ‘group living.’
Ethics is the condition of our character.
Ethics are a code of conduct, standards or set of principles by which people live.
The Condition of our specialized knowledge.
The quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role, task, or transaction : An organism’s ability to survive, reproduce, and thrive in a particular environment, condition, or transaction.
The Condition of our Appreciation of Beauty and Leisure.
It gives man a “sense of life.” The 5th branch of Philosophy.
Environment is the aggregate of surrounding things that intermediate the execution of human activities.
A branch of philosophy that deals with the study of society and how mankind should govern.
The 4th branch of philosophy.
Politics is concerned with the legitimate exercise of power, i.e. government/organizations. It therefore concerns the relationship between the state (authority) and all those whose opinions or concerns matter politically, which in a democracy, ideally, means all citizens.
The condition of our contribution of help to others.
The Condition of Unconditionality.
Kirkland: a state of no concern for satisfaction of conditions because all conditions are satisfied.
Google: the realization or fulfillment of one’s talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone.
Biological Conditions of Life (description)
The Biological Condition of Life is basically to have a body with a brain that moves and can orchestrate the series of acts. (From the Knowing webinar)
The Linguistic Conditions of Life (description)
The Linguistic Conditions of Life create meaning, provide the ability to enjoy the comforts of adult life, and concern themselves with helping others.