Computer test - Reproductive organs, haematopoïetic organs, endocrine organs Flashcards
Which are anticoagulants ?
How to examine spleen ?
Palpation, percussion, rectal examination in LA
CBC, US, radiography, FNA/cytology, biopsy
Adrenal glands examination ?
CBC (stress leukogram)
Biochemistry (ALKP, SIAP, NA/K ratio)
ACTH stimulation test, LDDS test
Examination of the prostate gland ?
Palpation → abdominal/rectal/digital Visualization → X-ray, US Urinalysis Examination of prostatic fluid → prostatic massage Examination of semen Cytology, biopsy
Reasons why there might be bleeding from the penis, but clear urine ?
Injury to penis (wound, bone fracture)
Prostate problem
Which species have/has physiological palpable ovarian glands ?
- Cattle
- Cat
- Dog
- Horse
- Sheep
- Goat
- Cattle
- Horse
In which species can the uterus be palpated physiologically ?
Horse, cattle
How to check the pancreas ?
Amylase and lipase biochemical parameters
What to check for testes ?
- Localization
- Size
- Shape
- Structure
- Surface
- Painfulness
- Symmetry
- Movability
- Consistency
- Cryptochirdism → testes should have descended by 6 months of age (Sertoli cell tumour can cause hyper-oestrogenism)
When is RDW (Red cell Distribution Width) elevated ?
Regenerative anaemia
In case of hepatopathy AST is :
- Specific
- Always increased, good for evaluation
- useless
Which aditional mehod for examining the bone marrow is not correct ?
- Abdominal US
- Xray
- Scintigraphy
- Biopsy
- Biopsy of LN
- Cytology
- Abdominal US
- Xray
- Scintigraphy
- Biopsy
- ALKP (osteolysis)
CBC in case of septic disease
Scintigraphy in case of malignancy
ALKP in cse of oesteolysis
Examination of the male reproductive tract ?
NATIONALE (age, neutering)
& HISTORY (libido, mating, fertility, urination/defecation, preputial discharge) must not be forgotten !!
Inspection, palpation (percussion if hernia) of scrotum (testes, epididymis), penis, prepuce, prostate gland, (inguinal ring)
Additional methods : Xrays (penis, prostate) US (testes, prostate) Cytology, biopsy (testes, prostate) Urinary KT (bloody urine) Bacterial culture (prostate abscess) Diagnostic laparotomy/scopy
Examination of female reproductive tract
HISTORY (vulvar discharge, oestrus cycle, mating, pregnancy/pseudo-pregnancy, parturition and post-partum period, hormone therapy, neutering, abdominal distension) and NATIONALE (age, neutering) must not be forgotten !
Inspection, palpation of vulve, perivulvar area, vagina/vestibulum, abdomen (mammary glands, uterus, ovaries)
Extra exams : Blood check (CBC, biochem) Cytology (vaginal smears) Microbiology (discharge, milk) Hormone measurements (P4, estrogens) US (uterus, ovaries) Xrays Vaginoscope
Are ovaries and uterus palpable in physiological conditions in dog/cat ?
NO (except pregnancy for the uterus)
Are ovaries and uterus palpable in physiological conditions in horse/cattle ?
Yes (rectal)
Examination of the bone marrow
In case of anaemia, thrombocytopenia Alteration of other organs (Mm, LN) Extra exams CBC FNA and cytology of LN Bone marrow aspiration cytology of bone marrow (femur, os ileum, humerus)
What bones for bone marrow aspiration ?
Femur, ileum, humerus
Examination of the spleen
Palpation (ONLY in horse in physiological conditions), percussion, rectal examination
Extra exams CBC US Xrays FNA/biopsy if enlarged
In which species is the spleen palpable in normal conditions ?
Where is the spleen located ?
Dog, cat, swine: behind stomach, on the left side, tongue shaped → very easy to mix liver lobe with spleen
Horse: Rectal examination in front and under left flank, parallel with the costal arch, triangle-shaped, 2-4 cm in thickness, sharp-edged with smooth surface, moderately tensed, homogenous structure
Cattle: rectally usually not reachable (arms are too short…), behind the diaphragm, on the craniolateral part of the rumen
In which cases can we have a splenomegaly ?
Infectious etiology, immune-mediated disorders, tumours (haematoma, nodular hyperplasia
Which are the endocrine glands ?
Hypophysis (influencing activity of many glands and their secretion) Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Adrenal glands Pancreas (Langerhans Islet cells) Genital glands (ovaries, testes)
What to examine if you suspect endocrine glands disorders ?
Appearance Behavior T° Locomotion, endurance Appetite Water intake Reproductive functions Coat, skin Previous medication
Extra exams :
‐Thyroid gland: T4, TSH, anti-TGB, T3
US, scintigraphy, CT
-Adrenal gland: CBC (stress leukogram)
Biochemistry (ALP, SIALP, NA/K ration)
ACTH stimulation test, LDDS test
‐Pancreas: Blood glucose, Fructose-amine Insulin
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe obesity ?
Hypothy, hyperadre
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe weight loss ?
Hyperthyr, Hypoadre
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe lethargy ?
Hyperadre, Hypothyr
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe restlesness ?
Hyperthyr (cats)
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe a preference for warm ?
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe a preference for cold ?
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe a decrease in endurance ?
hyperadr, hypoadr, hypothyr
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe a dicreased appetite ?
hypoadre, diabetic ketoacidosis
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe an increased appetite ?
Hyperadr, hyperthyr, diabete mellitus
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe an increased water intake ?
diabete mellitus, hyperadr, central diabete insipidus
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe a decrease in reproductive functions ?
hypothyr, hyperadr
In which case of endocrine glands disorders can you observe a modification of coat/skin ?
Hypothyr, hyperadr, hyperestrogenism
Symptoms in case of hypothyroidism ?
Obesity (decreased metabolic rate), lethargy (“lazy dog”), preference of warm, ↓ of locomotion, endurance, ↓ of reproductive fonctions (suppressed), influence on coat (alopecia, rat tail) and skin (thciker skin, big wrinkles due to neuropathy / myxoedema), “stupid face”, neural dysfunction (innervation problem), enlarged heart, decreased heart function
Symptoms in case of hyperthyroidism ?
Cats +++
Palpable thyroid glands
Weight loss (hypermetabolism), restlesness (behavioural change), preference of cold, increased appetite, high blood pressure, heavy breathing, heart hypertrophy
Symptoms in case of hyperadrenocorticism ?
Obesity, pot belly, ↓ of locomotion, endurance (muscle atrophy), increased appetite (polyphagia) & water intake, increased urination rate (polydipsia) influence on coat (alopecia) and skin (thinner)
Symptoms in case of hypoadrenocorticism ?
weight loss, ↓ locomotion, endurance, decreased appetite
Symptoms in case of diabete mellitus ?
Increased appetite, water intake
Symptoms in case of diabetes mellitus ?
Decreased insulin level or insulin sensitivity
Increased water intake, increased appetite
Symptoms in case of diabetic ketoacidosis ?
Decreased appetite