Compulsory purchase and compensation - lvl 1 Flashcards
Tell me about the CPO process.
What does compulsory purchase mean?
Where do CPO powers come from?
What is the public interest caveat?
What do CPOs include?
Does planning permission have to be granted before a CPO can be granted?
What are the SPO confirmation criteria?
What is a statement of reasons?
Briefly tell me about the procedure for making a CPO.
Who can object to a CPO?
Are any types of land protected from CPOs?
What is a public enquiry?
What are written representatives?
When may public enquiry be used over written representations for a CPO?
What does confirming a CPO mean?
What are two grounds for legal challenge of a CPO?
What are the compulsory acquisition?
What is the role of the Upper Tribunal (Land’s Chamber)?
How is compensation assessed where an interest in land is (not) acquired?
What is article 4?
How can it be used?
What are an owner’s rights when facing CP?
Explain the steps of CP and whether it is possible to receive an advance payment of compensation?
What advice would you provide to a client facing CP?
Talk to me through heads of claim under a compensation claim.
Who is entitled to compensation?
What statutory abilities to acquire rgiths exist other than outright purchase?
What valuation techniques might be used in a CPO?
What surrounding caselaw are you aware of?