componenet 2 Flashcards
what is social psychology
the study of how humans behave and interact with eachother
what is attribution theory
individuals perception of the cause of events and behaviours
what is self perception theory
It suggests that people develop their attitudes and beliefs by observing their own behavior and the context in which it occurs
according to the attribution theory, what are external factors
attribution theory is individuals perception of the cause of events and behaviours
external factors associate behaviours or events with factors out of the individuals control
- egs, luck, timing or situational variables
according to the attribution theory, what are internal factors
attribution theory is individuals perception of the cause of events and behaviours
refers to causes for behaviour that originate within the individual eg. personality traits, skills.
how did he recruit his participants
he sent a letter lying about the procedure
what characteristics did the men have to have for milgrim
20-50 age men
The men had a range of educational levels
They also hada variety of jobs
no college or school students
An experiment is a scientific investigation that tests a hypothesis by manipulating an IV( cause) and measuring the dv(effect)
conducted in a controlled environment, where other factors are kept constant.,
ppts are randomly allocated.
quasi experiments
a quasi experiment is a research mesthod that resembles an experiment but isn’t a true experiment as the researcher doesn’t randomly assign ppts to conditions
research where the
experimenter hasn’t deliberately manipulated the iv because it’s naturally occurring, the dv is still measured
what is a natural experiment
research method where the researcher has little or no control over the social conditions of the experment
They are observational studies.
Features/characteristics of natural experiments.
The researcher cannot manipulate the IV.
The researcher measures the DV to judge its effect on the IV.
Participants cannot be randomly assigned to experimental groups.
Natual experiments involve real life events that cannot be manipulated.
Used when unethical for controlled expt
iv arises naturally although the dv can still be measured in a lab or researchers choice
used when unethical to directly manipulate the iv
What are participant observations and their advantages
a research meathod where the researcher takes on the role of a ppt whilst observing other ppts behaviour around them
Advantages -researcher can gain an insider perspective on the groups values and beliefs
this method of research can generate rich qualative date
It’s flexible. Can be adapted to fit different research questions
Can lead to a more in depth understanding of behaviours and patterns.
allow you to generate rich and nuanced qualitative data giving you a more in depth understanding
non- participant observations
a research meathod where the researcher watched s and records ppts behaviour without interfering in any way
content analysis
content analysis converts qualitative data into quantitive so it can be more easily compared
count occurrences
Anayze pattersns
Advantages: Non invasive way to analyze social phenomena, provides historical insights, data can be analysed in a replicable way, can be used to analyse qual and quant data
What are correlational studies
a research method which involves comparing 2 continuous variables to see if there’s a relationship between them
target populations
the group of individuals that a researcher is interested in studying eg. people in the uk
sampling frames
when it’s unrealistic to study the whole target population, a sample target is chosen eg ppl in london
stregnths of a quasi experiment
allows researchers to investigate ‘real problems, eg the effects of disaster on health, which can help more people in more situations
allows research where the IV can’t be manipulated for practical or ethical reasons
weaknesses of a quasi experiment
cannot demonstrate casual relationships, because the IV isn’t manipulated directly so we can’t be sure that the IV caused the DV.
it could be due to confounding or extrenous variables
the ppts may belong to a particular group so the results cannot be generalised, eg they may be part of a friendly or hostile culture
primary sources positives/stregnths
Information and data that is collected directly by the researcher for their investagation. eg experiments, questionaires or interviews.
the researcher can control the format in exactly how data is collected; it will specifically relate to the aims of the research, therefore the direct behaviour under investigation can be targeted
Primary data may be more reliable and valid than secondary data as the researcher has full control over how the data is collected.
weaknesses - time consuming, cannot examine historical trends, data collected from a snapshot in time so diff to analyze developmental trends.
What’s primary source data
primary source data is information that a researcher collects directly. eg through experiments, surveys or interviews.
(secondary source data or secondary sources is information that has not been collected by the researcher eg literature reviews or content analysis.)
weaknesses of primary source data:
Primary sources can be more time consuming to collect and analyze than secondary sources.
Historical Trends
Primary sources can not be used to examine historical trends while secondary sources can
quantitative data stregnths
data is easy to analyse using statistics as it’s in the form of numbers, which are easy to display in graphs and charts to give an overveiw
easier to collect from a large group of ppts as collecting quantitve data is usually completed using lab experiments
quantitative data weaknesses
tends to lose the human level of behaviour, as only a snapshot of behaviour is recorded. researchers don’t engage with their ppts to find out what their thoughts or feelings are
tends to offer a very shallow view of behaviour as all that is investigated is the behaviour; not the reasons for that behaviour
cross-sectional studies
one group of ppts representing one section of society, (eg young people)
are compared with ppts from another group (eg old ppl)
taken from one single point in time
cross sectional study strengths
relatively quick and cheap as ppts only need to be tested once for comparisons and no follow-up study is necessary
ppts are easier to obtain as there’s less pressure for them to take part, compared to having to stick with a long term longitudinal study
What are cross sectional studies and their weaknesses
involves collecting data from a group of people in a single point in time.
difficult to determine why there are differences between the 2 cohorts as ppts cannot always be asked about the differences
data collected is from a snapshot in time so it’s harder to identify and analyse developmental trends in these studies
what are longitudinal studies
a study conducted over a long period of time
often ppts are assessed on 2 or more occasions as they get older
this allows the researcher to look into any long term effects( eg how memory gradually decreases with age)
weaknesses of longitudinal studies
high attrition (drop out) rate as the research takes so long. as a result the sample left is small , making it biased
ppts are more likely to be aware of the aims of the study, so may show demand characteristics
strengths of longitudinal studies
the same person is tested numerous times so ppt variables are controlled
developmental trends can be spotted easily as tests are repeated at the regular intervals over many years, and findings are compared
what’s a case study
an in depth study of one individual or a small group.
uses many different research methods eg interview, questionnaires or observations in order to get the required depth
most data collected is qualitative, but can sometimes be quantitive
case study strengths
produces rich qualititve data, which is high in ecological validity for the ppts involved as it is a study of a real life situation
allows researchers to study cases they couldn’t practically or ethically manipulate in an experiment
weaknesses - difficulty generalizing findings from one cast to another
Risk of bias - researcher’s opinions may influence results
weaknesses of case study’s
researcher bias- researchers can become too involved and lose their objectivity, so may interpret data to fit in with their theories
difficult to generalise findings beyond the individual/group studied as the sample is too small (low population validity)
what are participant observations positives
Participant observation is a research method
less chance of demand characteristics, ppts don’t know they’re being observed, making results more valid
can research people who would otherwise be very difficult to observe, therefore can find out more about human behaviours that are otherwise hidden.
strengths of non-participant observations
the observer doesn’t take part in the action but instead watches from a distance
allows for a more objective view of what’s happening
less chance of researcher bias
ppts aren’t aware they’re being observed so there’s less chance of observer bias
researchers can see how ppts behave rather than relying on self reports, producing more valid findings
Observees may not realise they are being observed - behaviour may not be changed by presence of observer.
The observer may be more objective.
Observer can record their observations as they occur - more reliable in terms of memory
participant observation weaknesses
risk of harm when engaging in group activities (eg drug taking)
unreliable findings as it’s difficult to take notes during the observation so data relies on memory, which can make results invalid
weaknesses of non participant observations
observer bias- difficult to make judgements on thoughts and feelings of ppts when theyre being watched, the observer might misinterpret a persons behaviour based on their own veiws and opinions
unethical as ppts don’t know they’re being observed and there is not often the opportunity to debrief them
content analysis strengths
a research tool that allows researchers to analyze qualitative data by turning it into quantative data
studies analysed already exist so less chance of demand characteristics from ppts
can be replicated by others
content analysis weaknesses
just described data, so you can’t draw any deeper meaning or explanation from the data patterns
cannot draw cause and effect relationships, as it simply describes the data
is a directional hypothesis one tailed or two tailed
one tailed
A directional hypothesis is a specific prediction about the effect of one variable on another
eg girls are more helpful than boys
A Non-directional hypothesis states that one variable affects antoehr but it doesn’t specify how.
eg girls and boys are different in terms of helpfulness.
is non directional one tailed or two tailed
two tailed
explain what’s meant by p>_0.05
there is a 5% chance it’s due to chance, and a 95% chance it’s due to the IV
what’s the most basic level of measurement
strengths of calculating/using the mean
uses every value in the data so it’s the most precise measure
needed to calculate a standard deviation, the most common measure of dispersion
weaknesses of calculating the mean
affected by extreme values/outliers so it isn’t always and appropriate measure
cannot be calculated for nominal data
strengths of calculating the median
not affected by extreme values/outliers so can be used often
very easy to calculate
weaknesses of calculating the median
doesn’t use every value in the data so isn’t very precise
can be difficult to calculate if there are large numbers of data
strengths of calculating the mode
nor affected by extreme values/outliers so can be used often
very easy to calculate
calculating the mode weaknesses
doesn’t use every value in the data so isn’t very precise
if there’s more that one common number then data has no mode at all
what is nominal data example
a type of data that can be categorised into groups that don’t overlap
eg eye colour, hair colour, race, age, marital status.
How is it collected?
It is collected through questions
eg are your eyes blue? yes no
They can also be multiple choice
eg are your eyes blue, brown, green?
They can also be open ended
What colour are your eyes?
What are the four levels of measurment that can be ranked from low to high in psychology?
Ordinal, interval ratio and Nominal
ordinal data example
data that can be put into order eg first, second third
it can’t tell us what the gap is between 1st and 2nd, or 4th and 5th, just the position
interval data example
interval data is a data type measured on a scale where each value is placed at an equal distance/interval from eachother.
eg, temperature gauge
you can go into negative numbers
ratio data
must be numerical,
has a true 0, you can’t go below 0.
eg, height range and frequency