Complimentary & Alternative Methods (CAM) Flashcards
CAM Definition?
A group of diverse medical and healthcare systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine.”
Types of CAM?
Chiropractics Acupuncture Massage Naturopathy Homeopathy Relaxation techniques Biofeedback Hypnosis Herbal preparations
Llicensed Cam Professionals?
Naturopathic doctor
Massage therapist
What do chiropractors emphasize?
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders especially the spine
Healthy lifestyle not just muslcoskeletal (diet, exercise etc)
What do chircopractors therapy involve?
involves manipulation of the spine, joints and soft tissue
What do naturopaths believe?
Based on belief body has innate power to heal and that symptoms are manifestation of the body’s attempt to achieve wholeness in the face of internal & external stress
What does Naturopathy treatment focus on?
focused on restoring person to healthy balance and resilience: Hydrotherapy Massage/Exercise therapy Lifestyle counseling Herbal medicines/Nutritional counseling
What kind of provider believes that the body has innate power to heal and that symptoms are manifestation of the body’s attempt to achieve wholeness in the face of internal & external stress?
When was homeopathy developed?
What two principals are homeopathy based on?
like cures like
Why can some homeopathic remedies be toxic?
Usually substances are diluted past the point of possible danger but, especially for children they can still be dangerous
-potentization makes it “safe” and usuable for the body
When did acupuncture originate?
in China. about 2000 years ago
Specialized forms of acupuncture?
hand, auricular and scalp
Types of procedures used to stimulate anatomical points?
Needles manual pressure electrical stimulation magnets low-power lasers heat ultrasound
What is the goal of the clinician in acupunture?
maintain the body’s harmonious balance both internally and in relation to the external environment
What therapy is most likely to be reccommended by conventional medicla professionals?
Where should you referr patients to for acupuncture?
National Certification for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine or the American Board of Medial Acupuncture
Indications for acupunture?
- Chronic pain
- Postoperative nausea and vomiting
- Chemotherapy nausea
- Acute pain including dental pain
- Headache including migraines
- Hypertension
Adverse affects of acupunture due to complications with needles?
- Transmission of disease
- Needle fragment left in body
- Pneumothorax
- Pneumoperitoneum
- Organ puncture
- Cardiac tamponade
- Osteomyelitis
Local adverse affects of needling in acupunture?
- bleeding,
- contact dermatitis,
- infection,
- pain,
- paresthesias
Reasons americans use herbs and supplements?
- For enhancing health
- to help with common or chronic symptoms or diseases such as:
- memory loss
- arthritis
- Fatigue
What herbs or OTC preps do we want to discourage the use of?
- toxic heavy metals or
2. ephedra-related products
Populations that should avoid herbal supplements?
- Pregnant and nursing women
- Infants and children
- The elderly
- Surgical patients (certain herbs can alter coagulation)
What are the pharmacological affects of echinacea?
Antioxident and anti-inflammatory