Complex Coordinators, From, Kasem, Olsem, Taem, Tetaem, Flashcards
We will go on a picnic because the sun is shining. (2)
Bae yumi go long piknik from san i saen. (more common)
From san i saen, bae yumi go long piknik.
He withdrew some money because there is a wedding on the weekend.
Hem i karemaot vatu from we i gat wan mared long wiken.
They came to see me because I haven’t repaid their money yet.
Olgeta oli kam luk mi from se mi no pembak vatu blong olgeta yet.
I will not go until that matter has been settled. (3)
Bae mi no go kasem taem we oli stretem samting ia. (most common)
Bae mi no go kasem oli stretem samting ia.
Bae mi no go kasem we oli stretem samting ia.
We will go to Rentabao like they said. (3)
Bae yumi go long Rentabao olsem (—, we, se) oli talem.
We will go to Rentabao when there is sun.
Bae yumi go long Rentabao taem i gat san.
They called her when the children came out of school.
Oli singaotem hem taem se ol pikinini oli kamaot long skul.
When they came we were already drinking kava.
Taem we oli kam mifala i stap dring kava finis.
When you come, we will drink kava. (rapid, colloquial speech)
Tae yu kam, bae yumi dring kava.
When we sailed through the open sea, the sea was really rough.
Taem mifala i pas aotsaed be si i nogud we i nogud.
At that time I was not yet shaving.
Tetaem ia mi no pulum resa yet.
We went for a picnic at Rentabao at that time when the sun was shining.
Yumi go piknik long Rentabao taem we san i stap saen.