complement system Flashcards
exam 4
a series of proteins working in a cascading manner
activated by Ag-Ab (antigen-antibody) Complexes
Classical complement system
C1q, C1r and C1s bind to the complement binding site on the
Fc portion of the antibody portion
Activated C1
C1q, Cir and Cis
C1 will break C4 into
C4a and C4b
_____________sticks to the activated C1 and this complex is called ____________
C4b and become s C14b
C14b splits C2
C2a and c2b
order of C
1, 4, 2, 3
C6, C7, C8, and C9 bind to C5b forming the
Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)
punch holes into the membrane
Coating of organism with antibody and C3b so that they are more easily phagocytosed by neutrophils and macrophages
nuetrophils alone the phagocytic activity is low but when you add antibody
the activity increases and the phagocytosis becomes efficient
C3a and C5a
chemotaxis and anaphylatoxin production
phagocytic cells are attracted to the site of the antigen
degranulate mast cells and basophils
C3a and C5a
coated with specific antibody- C8 and C9
lysis of organisms
inhibits the complement system
activated by bacterial or viral products like LPS
alternative complement pathway
inhibitors of the alternative pathway and regulate the activation of the system
Factor H and Factor I
alternative pathway splits C3 into C3a and C3b and continuous the complement cascade
Generate C3bBbP (alternative complement)
Factor B, Factor D and Properdin
activated by organisms with mannose on their surface
Lectin pathway
Proteins that activate Lectin Pathway
Organisms that express mannose in their surface. Most important proteins:
- MBL (mannose binding protein_
associated with SLE
Absence of C1q, C2 or C4