Compiled Flashcards
Staph aureus is tolerant on what agar
Mannitol salts
Grape like clusters
Staph aureus
Gold color of Staph aureus is due to
Staph aureus: habitat
Anterior nares
Toxin of Staph aureus that causes epidermal separation leading to SSSS
Toxin of Staph aureus causing food poisoning
Most common cause of acute endocarditis
Staph aureus
Staph aureus endocarditis usually affects wc valve
Sequestered focus of osteomyletis arising in the metaphseal area of a long bone
Brodie abscess- Staph aureus
Exfoliatin cleaves desmoglein jn desmosomes leading to seperation of the epidermis at stratum granulosum
Ritters disease - scalded skin syndrome - Staph aureus
Most common cause of prosthetic device infection
Staph Epidermidis
2nd most common cause of UTIs in women
Staph saprophyticus
Positive PYR test
Strep pyogenes and group D strep
Habitat of saprophyticus
Toxin that causes scarlet fever
Erythrogenic toxin- strep pyogenes
Perioral blistered lesions with honey colored crust; accumulation of neutrophils beneath the stratum corneum
Impetigo contagiosa- strep pyogenes
Superficial infection extending into the dermal lymphatics
Erysipelas -
strep pyogenes
Cellulitis is facilitated by what?
Rapidly progressive infection of deep subcutaneous tissues
Necrotizing fascitis- strep pyogenes
Most common bacterial cause of sore throat
Strep pyogenes
Fever, strawberry tongue, centrifugal rash(sand paper like),Pastia’s lines
Scarlet fever- strep pyogene
Scarlet fever is due to what
Staph pyogenes- erythrogenic toxin
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome is due to
Pyogenic extoxin A- strep pyogenes
Acute rheumatic fever is due to
Cross rxn with M proteins- strep pyogenes
Glomerulonephritis is due to
strep pyogenes
CAMP test positive
Streptococcus agalactiae (group b streptococci)
Habitat of Streptococcus agalactiae (group b streptococci)
Most common cause of pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis
Streptococcus agalactiae (group b streptococci)
All pregnant women should be screened for Streptococcus agalactiae (group b streptococci) at how many weeks AOG
Enterococcos faecalis (group D strep)
Marantic endocarditis
Enterococcos faecalis (group D strep)
Endocarditis in patients with abdominal malignancy due to strep bovis
Lancet shaped cocci in pairs
Strep pneumoniae
Most common cause of CAP
Strep pneumoniae
Rust colored sputum
Strep pneumoniae
Most common cause of OM, sinusitis, bacterial meningitis
Strep pneumoniae
Enters bloodstream during dental procedures
Viridians streptococci(streptococcus mutans, s. Sanguis)
Most common cause of subacute and native valve endocarditis
S sanguis
Box car shaped
Bacillus anthracis
Reheated fried rice
Bacillus cereus
Tennis racket like
Clostridium tetani
Bulging cans
Clostridium botolinum
Clostridium difficile
Chines characters
Corynebacterium diphtheria
Tumbling motility
Listeria monocytogenes
Dry ground glass surface and irregular edges with projections along lines of inoculation
Medusa head morphology- bacillus anthracis
Woolsorter’s disease
bacillus anthracis
Poly D glutamate capsule
bacillus anthracis
PA plus EF
Edema toxin
PA plus LF
Lethal toxin
Malignant pustule
Cutaneous anthrax
Massively enlarged mediasinal LN
Inhalational anthrax
Protease that cleaves proteins involved in the release of glycine from renshaw cells in spinal cord
Tetanus toxin(tetanospasmin)
Most common type of botolinum toxin in humans
A,B, E
Botox is a commercial preparation of
Exotoxin A
Floppy baby syndrome
Infant botulism
Double hemolysis on blood agar
Clostrisium perfringens
Gas gangrene, cause? Toxin?
Clostridium perfringens- alpha toxin
Cytopathic effect
Clostridium difficile
Tumbling motility
Listetia monocytogenes
Unpasteurized milk products
Listeria monocyogened
Cold enhancement
Listeria monocytogenes
Early onset neonatal listeriosis
Granulomatosis infantiseptica
Most common cause of urethriitis
Gonococcal urethritis
Most common cause of PID
Neisseria gonorrheae