Competency 1 Flashcards
Instructional Design and Planning
Backwards Design
Begins with the end in mind
where students need to be at end of lesson, and plan lessons and assessment accordingly
Formative assessments
inform instruction to drive future instruction and support learning process
exit ticket show hands checklist peer review anecdotal notes observations
Summative assessments
grades and teacher performance
mid-term final district benchmark assessments state test teacher created test final research papers projects
Critical, Creative, and Reflective Thinking
stretching using blooms, thinking outside the box, abstract thinking and application
Bloom’s Taxonomy - Top is most critical thinking
Create Evaluate Analyze Apply Understand Remember/Recall
Techniques to increase critical thinking
Wait time specific feedback redirection probing increasing question complexity
Benefits of Questioning
Measures student understanding of the material
engages students
promotes active participation
provides opportunities to review, summarize, or emphasize important info
fosters critical thinking
Visual learner
images and graphic organizers
Auditory learners
listening and speaking group discussions
kinesthetic learners
hands on learning experiences
read and write learners
prefer words to make sense of abstract concepts
Thematic and Interdisciplinary Units
provide students with skills and knowledge and apply what they learned
engagement is increased
maximize instructional time
deeper exploration of a topic
facilitate the use of culturally relevant texts
concept based learning approach
critical thinking based on broad idea vs subject specific content- thematic
computer based learning approach
use of computers and software
project based learning approach
student centered inquiry based model of investigation over time
student centered learners are given a problem and asked to solve
Modeled reading
read aloud - teacher guides and supports reading process
whole class reading
interactive people share in the process teacher asks questions to have students make connections to text
Guided reading
small group teacher driven differentiation students follow directions
Interactive Reading Strategies- reciprocal teaching
everyone has a role while reading- summarize, questions, clarifies, predicts
Interactive Reading Strategies- interactive reading journals
students use a variety of strategies - pics, lists, etc about what was read in their journals
close reading
multiple reads and deep analysis of text to push critical thinking skills
learning by exploration and doing
Stages of cognitive development; prior knowledge (schema); discovery learning
positive and negative reinforcement- removal of undesired stimuli
Hierarchy of Needs Self-Actualization Self-Esteem Love/Belonging Safety/Security Physiological needs
big picture at end of course
end of a lesson- expected performance, conditions and evaluation criteria
multicultural classroom library
avoid steretypes and negative representations
ensure realistic and positive situations
address story problems in a positive manner
confirm accurate portrayal of culture
Activate prior knowledge
teacher models metacognition/think aloud
picture books
concept maps
abc brainstorming
build prior knowledge when students are lacking
virtual field trips field trips picture books visuals primary sources
asserts that old knowledge is a building block upon which students can begin new knowledge
dewey’s research
influenced the development of constructivism by focusing more on children’s capabilities and interests than curriculum mandates
differentiation can be accomplished through
content - the what of the lesson
process- the how of the lesson
product- the result of the lesson
differentiated content
based on leveled groups, students will analyze poems at varying difficulty
differentiated process
after a short whole group lesson on metaphors, students will split into groups
differentiated product
allowing student choice in how they show mastery of a concept or skill.
data collection
standardized testing
running records
formative assessments
survey data
quality- research useful for individual studies and to find how people feel- surveys, observations, conferences, case studies.
numbers- state test scores, reading scores, wpm